2018-2019 Achievements and Priorities | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

2018-2019 Achievements and Priorities

January 2019 | Amazon Watch | Report

2018-2019 Achievements and Priorities

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The Amazon, the world’s largest and most biodiverse tropical rainforest, covers an area larger than the continental United States, houses one-third of the Earth’s plant and animal species, and helps regulate our global climate. Nearly 400 distinct indigenous peoples depend on the Amazon rainforest for their physical and cultural survival. The Amazon and its peoples are under threat from unsustainable megaprojects (dams, drilling, pipelines, roads) that, if built, will accelerate deforestation, displacement of indigenous peoples, and climate change. The next several years will be critical to advancing rainforest protection, indigenous rights, and solutions to climate change such as clean renewable energy.

It costs only $.03 per acre per year to support Amazon Watch’s work with indigenous peoples to protect more than 60 million acres of rainforest from oil development, natural resource extraction and industrial development. Please join us!


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Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.



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