Join the Call: Human Rights Over Corporate Profits in Ecuador! | Amazon Watch
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Join the Call: Human Rights Over Corporate Profits in Ecuador!

Ecuadorian citizens affected by Chevron’s contamination have spent over a decade seeking to enforce the historic $9.5 billion judgment that the company refuses to pay, denying communities the remediation, clean water, and health care they desperately need. Chevron is using its big oil influence to pressure Ecuador into ignoring the verdict from its own court, assume the company’s liability, and pass the bill to the country’s taxpayers. And Ecuador’s right-wing government with historic Chevron ties is listening.

That is why the affected communities recently went to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights to ask that their efforts to seek justice from Chevron be protected from undue interference by the Ecuadorian government. The government has a choice: defend its own judgment offering justice to its citizens, or give in to corporate pressure.

It’s time Chevron pay what it owes to clean up its mess in Ecuador!

Thick crude oozes from Shushufindi 61, abandoned by Chevron-Texaco and never remediated.

Sign the petition to help ensure that the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights insist that the Ecuadorian government not interfere in affected communities’ right to hold Chevron accountable for its deliberate pollution.

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