Peru's Amazonian Tribes at Risk | Amazon Watch
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Peru’s Amazonian Tribes at Risk

October 29, 2010 | Photo Gallery

The Amazon’s indigenous peoples are increasingly bringing their struggles before international human rights bodies. In late October of 2010, Amazon Watch had the pleasure of helping to facilitate the visit of our long-time colleague Henderson Rengifo, currently a leader with AIDESEP and previous treasurer of FECONACO in northern Peru. The delegation was a joint collaboration with a number of Peruvian ally groups like DAR, CAAAP, and the National Human Rights Coordination Body. Beyond advocacy efforts at the Inter-American Human Rights Commission, we also connected Henderson with civil society allies, key Congressional staff members, and Peru specialists at the State Department. AIDESEP views these as key stakeholders in building pressure on the Peruvian government for respect of indigenous peoples’ rights.


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