Amazon Watch and Allies Issue Call for Global Day of Action for the Amazon on September 5th | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Amazon Watch and Allies Issue Call for Global Day of Action for the Amazon on September 5th

August 29, 2019 | Media Advisory

Amazon Watch

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Washington, DC – Amid the unprecedented raging fires across the Amazon, Amazon Watch is turning international outrage into action. Together, with Extinction Rebellion and the National Indigenous Association of Brazil (APIB), Amazon Watch, the leading global organization in defending the Amazon rainforest and the rights of its indigenous peoples, is calling on the international community to take to the streets: peacefully organize, demonstrate, and march to preserve and protect the Amazon rainforest and our planet.

These demonstrations will take place on the heels of the G7 Summit and just before the United Nations Youth Climate Summit and General Assembly and Climate Week in New York. The global efforts on September 5th will be the starting point of sustained action that brings these issues of global importance to the forefront of our collective consciousness and maintain international pressure on President Jair Bolsonaro and his regime to extinguish these fires, restore environmental protections for the Amazon, and respect the rights of indigenous peoples and their territory.

As global citizens, it’s on all of us to take a shared responsibility for our planet’s preservation by standing up to corporate greed and political corruption that seeks to profit off the destruction of our planet.

To promote the action and continue to raise awareness Amazon Watch released a new video on Wednesday with powerful images of the current fires and images of demonstrations that have already begun to take place.


Location: Around the world including but not limited to Brazilian embassies or consulates, and at the locations of corporations profiting from Amazon destruction.

Date: September 5, 2019

More Info: Actions are listed and being coordinated here; more actions will be added in the coming days.


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Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.



Demarcation Now! Mining Out of the Amazon!


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