"Hero" Lawyer Pablo Fajardo on Taking on Chevron in Ecuador | Amazon Watch
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"Hero" Lawyer Pablo Fajardo on Taking on Chevron in Ecuador: "I Fight for Justice and for Life"

September 10, 2010 | Eye on the Amazon

Cross-posted from the Amazon Watch’s Clean up Ecuador Campaign blog, ChevroninEcuador.com:

The Harvard International Law Journal recently published a thoughtful article by Pablo Fajardo, the acclaimed human rights activist and lead counsel for the 30,000 indigenous people and farmers of the Ecuadorian Amazon working to hold American oil giant Chevron (formerly Texaco) accountable for what he calls “serious violations against the environment and people of the region.”

The piece begins:

Although taking on this case was a great personal challenge for me, I was always aware of two aspects of it that would work in my favor. First of all, I live in the area affected by Chevron’s operations, and therefore I know personally the effects of the environmental and human rights abuses commited by the company in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Fully understanding the reality of the situation, I can speak with conviction: I know that I am speaking the truth. Furthermore, I am a human being who believes in God, life, justice and solidarity. Along with the indigenous peoples and farmers in the Amazon, my co-workers and I fight for justice and for life.

Check out the rest at ChevroninEcuador.com.


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Human Rights Over Corporate Profits in Ecuador!


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