Dirty Energy | Amazon Watch - Page 3
Amazon Watch

Dirty Energy

Amazonian Leaders: Climate Week Sponsors Complicit in Destruction of Amazon Rainforest, Indigenous Land

At press conference in New York City, Indigenous leaders from Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru expose U.S. financial institutions for projects harming Indigenous communities

New York, NY – New York Climate Week sponsors, including BlackRock and Vanguard, were among the American financial institutions exposed for financing the destruction of the Amazon and Indigenous land at a press conference this week held by Indigenous leaders from the Amazon region and environmental and human rights group Amazon Watch.

The Risks of Investing in Petroperú

This risk assessment describes the political, social, financial, environmental, and legal risks associated with investing in Petroperú. It also compiles the perspective of some communities that could be affected by the threat of oil operations by Petroperú, in particular, the Achuar People of the Pastaza River and the Autonomous Territorial...

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Amazonian Leaders Expose U.S. Financiers Behind Amazon Destruction at NYC Climate Week

Indigenous Amazonian delegates from across the Amazon to speak out

Indigenous leaders from the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon invite you to a press conference during Climate Week NYC 2022. In the context of Climate Week’s theme, Getting It Done, the delegates will discuss ways they are "getting done" protection of the Amazon rainforest.

Ecuador Declares Temporary Moratorium on New Oil and Mining Concessions

Ecuador’s Indigenous movement and the government of Guillermo Lasso have agreed to a temporary moratorium on all new oil and mining concessions. This major development puts the country’s plans to double oil production and significantly boost mining investment in question.

Vanguard Funds Indigenous Rights Violations in Peru’s Amazon

Asset manager Vanguard must stop investing in Indigenous rights violations and environmental destruction

The Achuar and Wampis have good reason to oppose further oil extraction: The Northern Peruvian Oil Pipeline, which runs through their territories, has repeatedly ruptured, causing countless spills and constant threats to the environment and safety of their communities.

Sarayaku’s Kawsak Sacha Is What the World Needs Now!

The Kawsak Sacha proposal aims to sustainably preserve and conserve territorial spaces, the material and spiritual relationship established there by native peoples with the living forest and the beings that inhabit it.

Oil in the Peruvian Amazon: Obscene Profits Through Immoral Strategies

Legal attacks against the protections for isolated Indigenous peoples and Peru’s FPIC law are examples of how the oil lobby keeps the current legal framework – the product of years of struggle by Indigenous movements and civil society – under constant siege.

From Local to Global: Peruvian Earth Defenders Confront Deutsche Bank in Germany

Delegation of Indigenous leaders from the Amazon built networks of support and solidarity in the movement against oil expansion in the Amazon

The Wampis and Achuar nations will not permit oil production on Block 64, and they have launched an international campaign to make it clear to anyone who still thinks it might be a good investment to attempt to extract oil from their territories.

Is Vanguard Sinking the Climate Ship?

Asset manager Vanguard is a major investor in some of the mining and oil companies that are causing irreparable harm to the Amazon rainforest and to Indigenous peoples. Vanguard is not only financing destruction and rights violations in the Amazon, but it is financing climate catastrophe throughout the world.

Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement Secures Victories, Ending National Strike

Indigenous leaders and the Ecuadorian government reached an agreement including a repeal of Executive Decree 95 on oil and gas and reform of decree 151 affecting the mining sector, among other demands. Both decrees had authorized the government to expand the extractive frontier into Indigenous territories and important conservation and forest...

Ecuador National Strike: UN Must Compel Lasso to Prevent Further Violence

Ecuadorian government complicit in human rights violations, disappearances, and deaths, must address economic and climate justice demands brought by Indigenous peoples and civil society

“Ecuador is in a state of emergency due to socio-economic and racial inequities and violent repression from the state in response to National Strike. It is urgent that the U.N. and other international human rights bodies denounce this and support a de-escalation to prevent further violence and loss of life."

Ecuador National Strike: Young Kichwa Person Killed by Tear Gas Canister

Indigenous communities and civil society call on international community to act after days of armed violence by Ecuadorian government led to multiple counts of rights violations and three deaths, economic and climate justice demands remain ignored by President Lasso

“Amazon Watch condemns the violence and calls on the international community to uplift demands from Indigenous communities and civil society to address economic inequities and end oil and mining extraction on Indigenous lands."

Indigenous Peoples Refuse to Be Ignored

The Amazon and Indigenous rights were amplified, not ignored, at the Summit of the Americas

"Oil drilling in our Amazon has brought contamination, disease, deforestation, destruction of our cultures, and the colonization of our territories. It is an existential threat for us and violates our fundamental rights as Indigenous peoples."

Solidarity with Indigenous Uprising for Economic and Climate Justice in Ecuador

“We are witnessing a human rights crisis being escalated by the Ecuadorian government. Other countries, like the U.S., rely on oil commodities from Ecuador and must speak up for human rights and end their complicity as consumers. We call for justice and demand that Iza be released.”

Activistas para la Amazonía despliegan pancartas durante la Cumbre de las Américas

Activistas de las organizaciones ambientalistas Stand.earth y Amazon Watch hicieron un llamado de atención a los lideres mundiales frente al pedido de los líderes de la Cuenca Amazónica que demandan fin de la expansión de la extracción de petróleo en la Amazonía

Activistas de Stand.earth y Amazon Watch desplegaron dos pancartas de 15X12 metros en el Puente Queensway en Long Beach, California, para exigir a los líderes mundiales que participan en la Cumbre de las Américas que tomen medidas para detener la expansión inminente de la frontera petrolera en el Amazonía.

Amazonia Advocates Deploy Banners During Summit of the Americas

Activists from Stand.earth and Amazon Watch demand leaders end expansion of Amazon oil drilling

Activists from Stand.earth and Amazon Watch have deployed two massive 50'x40' banners on the Queensway Bridge in Long Beach to demand Summit of the Americas leaders take action to stop the imminent expansion of Amazon oil drilling.

Immersed in Crisis, Peru Neglects Amazon’s Destruction

Associated Press | Peru has descended into one of the worst political crises in its history and protection of its Amazon rainforest is failing, according to a report published Thursday.

The Anti-Chevron Movement Gains New Allies

Activists, workers, and shareholders push company to act on climate and human rights during Annual General Meeting season

Chevron’s reputation as a price gouger, gross polluter, environmental racist, and greedy corporate behemoth with an army of unscrupulous lawyers and greenwashing PR firms grows worse by the day.

Davos: Indigenous Leaders Call on Banks to Stop Funding Amazon Oil Expansion

Scientists and international organizations also calling for banks to follow lead of BNP Paribas and align with the Exit Amazon Oil and Gas platform

On the heels of World Biodiversity Day and in connection to an upcoming panel on the Amazon at Davos, tipping point scientists, Indigenous leaders, and international organizations are calling on banks and financial institutions that have gathered for the World Economic Forum in Davos to end financing for oil expansion in the Amazon.

Community Protest Saturday at Chevron Richmond Refinery on 9th Annual Global Anti-Chevron Day

Saturday, May 21, 2022, is the 9th annual Global Anti-Chevron Day. Communities in Richmond, CA affected by Chevron will join other communities around the world to share their stories about the impact of the oil company’s environmental destruction and human rights violations in advance of Chevron’s annual shareholder’s meeting on May 25, when the...

Science Group, Community Leaders, and Shareholder Advocates Discuss Chevron's Track Record on Financial Risk

Leaders share insights and guidance on how shareholder actions advance corporate accountability, ahead of Chevron annual stockholder meeting

In advance of Chevron’s Annual General Meeting of shareholders,scheduled for May 25, community advocates, shareholder groups, and corporate accountability experts held an online briefing for investors, the public, and the media.