Request to UN Special Rapporteur Regarding Threats and Intimidation in Belo Monte Judicial Process | Amazon Watch
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Request to UN Special Rapporteur Regarding Threats and Intimidation in Belo Monte Judicial Process

May 13, 2010 | Campaign Update

Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre, Terra de Direitos – Organização de Direitos Humanos, Conselho Indigenista Missionário – CIMI, Sociedade Paraense de Direitos Humanos (SDDH), Justiça Global, Comitê Metropolitano do Movimento Xingu Vivo (Belém – Pará), Prelazia do Xingu, Comissão Pastoral da Terra – Pará, Rede FAOR, Associação de Defesa Etno-ambiental – Kanindé, aiming to strengthen former denunciations sent to the United Nations and this Illustrious Representative, bring to your awareness new facts of violation of judicial independence concerning the case of the construction of Hydroelectric Power Plant Belo Monte (Pará/Brazil), in order to draw your attention to the actions of the Brazilian State.

Organizations Denounce Intimidations During the Belo Monte Legal Process

Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre, Terra de Direitos, Conselho Indigenista Missionário – CIMI, Sociedade Paraense de Direitos Humanos – SDDH, Justiça Global, Comitê Metropolitano do Movimento Xingu Vivo (Belém – Pará), Prelazia do Xingu, Comissão Pastoral da Terra – Pará, Rede FAOR, Associação de Defesa Etno-ambiental – Kanindé

Brazilian civil society organizations forwarded this Thursday (13) a complaint to the Special Rapporteur of the Human Council on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers of the United Nations regarding the threats and pressures faced by the attorneys of Brazil’s Federal Public Prosecutor’s office (MPF) and by a Federal Judge of  the city of Altamira, Pará related to the auction of the Belo Monte dam. In April, the General Attornies Terre Cláudio do Amaral, Bruno Alexandre Gütschow, and Ubiratan Cazetta presented two public civil actions to suspend the auction outright. The Federal Judge Antonio Carlos Almeida Campelo admitted the civil actions that claimed the insufficient implementation of public hearings with indigenous people and affected communities and questioned the lack of data in the project’s environmental impact studies. In addition, they have filed a civil action for misconduct against the administrative official from IBAMA, which released the auction despite the lack of data in the studies.

Originals in Português: Part 1 | Part 2


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