Corporate Accountability | Amazon Watch - Page 60
Amazon Watch

Corporate Accountability

Scientists Protest Texaco Statement: They Argue the Company's Public Smear of Epidemiology Research was Designed to Influence a Court Case

The Scientist | Fifty scientists have submitted a letter to an epidemiology journal protesting a February statement from six scientists acting as consultants to ChevronTexaco that refuted recent peer-reviewed studies showing negative health effects of oil production activities in the Amazon.The oil giant's statement, which appeared in

Join us for the launch of a photo exhibit: Crude Reflections ChevronTexaco's Rainforest Legacy Lou Dematteis and Kayana Szymczak Photo Exhibit - San Ramon, California April 25-28, 2005

Co-sponsors: Amnesty International, Sierra Club, the Amazon Defense Coalition, Rainforest Action Network, Global Exchange, the Pachamama Alliance and Corporate Accountability International Monday, April 25, 2005 5-9 pm, Program 7 pmWhere: Fireside Room at Mudd's Restaurant (925) 837-9387 1

Oil Spread Upon the Waters of Ecuador May Return Harm for ChevronTexaco Shareholders A shareholder delegation surveys the environmental and social impact of oil operations, assessing potential risk from a twelve-year old lawsuit in its judicial inspect | The surface of the Rio Shushufindi, headwaters of the Amazon, glimmers with an iridescent sheen in patches while children splash in the shallows, bathing as a break from their daily journey hitchhiking from school back home.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Chevron Texaco y la Destrucción de la Amazonia | En el “Juicio del Siglo”, el Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia (FDA) trata de lograr que la transnacional estadounidense Chevron Texaco asuma la responsabilidad por la destrucción ecológica y de vidas humanas que ha causado en la Amazonia ecuatoriana.

ChevronTexaco Resorts to Blackmail in Attempting to Win Historical Lawsuit in the Amazon

“Despite a series of high level conversations with ChevronTexaco representatives in August 2003, and the receipt of two demand letters in October, 2003 and March, 2004, the Republic of Ecuador and Petroecuador have failed to implement changes to their contractual obligations with ChevronTexaco and TexPet including obligatio

Convincing Confrontation Questions Texaco’s Results In Dramatic Moment, Texaco Doctors Refuse To Drink Community’s Water Samples, Despite Their Findings Of No Pollution

Quito, Ecuador – A large delegation of indigenous and traditional peoples from Ecuadorian Amazon affected by pollution caused by ChevronTexaco came to Quito today to expose the truth behind ChevronTexaco’s lies about the terrible pollution—and its cultural, social and economic impacts—that face nearly 30,000 peo

Chevron Denies Ecuador Claims

Energy Intelligence | ChevronTexaco said on Monday it "objects in the strongest possible manner to the irresponsible and unsubstantiated statements made by AmazonWatch and Steven Donziger" in their Jan. 28 news releases regarding an environmental lawsuit against the company in Ecuador.

Chevron Uses 'Junk Science'

Energy Intelligence | Lawyers representing plaintiffs in an environmental lawsuit against ChevronTexaco in Ecuador said the company is resorting to "junk science" to hide the "environmental disaster" it caused in the Amazon.According to the Amazon Defense Coalition, Chevron failed to test the site where it was alleged to have dumped refinin

In Historic $6 Billion Case, ChevronTexaco Resorts To “Junk Science" To Hide Environmental Disaster in The Ecuadorian Amazon -- ChevronTexaco's Technicians Avoid Testing For The Most Dangerous Toxins -- Damage Makes Exxon Valdez Look Like A “B

Also see Statement Released by the Attorney for the Plaintiffs(Quito and Lago Agrio, Ecuador) – A new scientific analysis submitted to Ecuadorian courts by technicians from ChevronTexaco-in a historic trial stemming from the world's largest oil-related disaster, demonstrates the company resorted to “junk scienc

ChevronTexaco Sigue con las Mismas Falsedades sobre la Contaminación que Provocó en la Amazonia Informes Judiciales Elaborados Por Técnicos Norteamericanos Manipulan La Ciencia En Forma Predecible Estrategia Clara: Ignoran a los tóxicos más graves

Quito y Lago Agrio, Ecuador - Un análisis de los primeros cuatro informes de ChevronTexaco en las inspecciones jurídicas demuestran numerosas falsedades y manipulaciones como táctica de la compañia Norteamericana, a fin de evitar toda responsabilidad en el peor desastre ambiental causado en el mundo en Ecuador, llamada ?/p>

Indigenous Protests Shut Down Hearings for Controversial Oil & Gas Project in Peruvian Amazon Indigenous Leaders Travel to Lima to Discuss Recent Spill, Landslides and Violation of Their Rights

Shivankoreni, Peru - Indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon recently shut down public hearings for the extension of the Camisea project in protest over failures by the government and companies – namely Pluspetrol and Hunt Oil – to address major impacts caused by the original project.

Judicial Inspections Reinitiated Against ChevronTexaco in Ecuador

Nueva Loja/Lago Agrio, Ecuador- On January 26, the first judicial inspection of the year will take place at one of the first installations constructed by Texaco in Ecuador in the early 1970s. On January 14, the President of the Superior Court of Nueva Loja, Dr.

Indígenas Solicitan Suspender Audiencia por Lote 56 de Hidrocarburos en Bosque Tropical del Urubamba Denuncian que Camisea es una Coladera y Exigen que Previamente Se Esclarezcan las Causas del Derrame de Condensados Liquidos Ocurrido el 22 de Diciembre | Un conjunto de organizaciones indígenas y ganaderas pidieron al Ministro de Energía y Minas (MEM) suspender la audiencia pública del Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) del Lote 56 mientras no se esclarezcan las causas del reciente derrame de hidrocarburos y se adopten otras medidas pertinentes.

Liquid Gas from Camisea Spills Into Peruvian Jungle River

AFP | A pipeline transporting liquid gas from the controversial Camisea project in southeastern Peru burst and spilled an unknown amount of liquid into a jungle river, officials said here.The spill affected the Urubamba river some 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of Lima in the province of Cusco, the Ministry of Energy and Mi

COMARU Communique on Camisea Oil Spill

TGP PROVOKES PETROLEUM SPILL IN THE URUBAMBA VALLEYThe Machiguenga Committee of Lower Urubamba – COMARU makes public that on the 22nd of December there was a petroleum spill of major proportion stemming from the Camisea gas pipeline that transports hydrocarbons from the Las Malvinas plant in the Urubamba River to the

El Caso Texaco Cierra un Ciclo de Inspecciones

El Comercio | Redacción Nueva Loja...El reconocimiento judicial a la estación Shushufindi Norte puso fin a las inspecciones judiciales dispuestas por la Corte Superior de Justicia de Nueva Loja para este año. Ayer, las partes llegaron muy temprano a la estación petrolera, que actualmente es operada por Petroproducción.

Scientists Reveal Devastating Proof of Toxins In Suit Against ChevronTexaco in Ecuador... High Levels of Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found In “Remediated” Waste Pits

Quito, Ecuador – The harrowing results of one of the first judicial inspections of the areas contaminated by ChevronTexaco in Ecuador were announced today at a press conference at the Hotel Quito by scientist Edison Camino, one of the experts appointed by the Superior Court of Nueva Loja, Ecuador, where the “Trial of the