Judicial Inspections Reinitiated Against ChevronTexaco in Ecuador | Amazon Watch
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Judicial Inspections Reinitiated Against ChevronTexaco in Ecuador

January 20, 2005 | For Immediate Release

Amazon Defense Front*

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Nueva Loja/Lago Agrio, Ecuador- On January 26, the first judicial inspection of the year will take place at one of the first installations constructed by Texaco in Ecuador in the early 1970s.

On January 14, the President of the Superior Court of Nueva Loja, Dr. Efraín Novillo, announced the reiniciation of the judicial inspections in relation to the lawsuit against ChevronTexaco, the transnational oil company, that indigenous and farming communities of the Northern Ecuadorian rainforest (known as the Oriente) have filed on the grounds of environmental contamination.

Here is the calendar for judicial inspections to take place in the Province between January and March 2005:

January 26 & 27
Estación Lago Agrio Norte/Lago Agrio North Station

February 16
Pozo Sacha 18/ Sacha Well #18

February 17
Pozo Sacha 85/Sacha Well #85

February 23 & 24
Estación Sacha Central/ Sacha Central Station

March 9
Pozo Shushufindi 67/Shushufindi Well #67

March 10
Pozo Shushufindi 8/Shushufindi Well #8

March 16 & 17
Estación Sacha Sur/Sacha South Station

March 30
Pozo Shushufindi 4/Shushufindi Well #4

March 31
Pozo Shushufindi 13/Shushufindi #13

The Lago Agrio North Station is one of the first oil installations constructed by Texaco in 1972. It is located 1km away from the urban boundary of the city of Lago Agrio, capital of the Sucumbios Province. The farmers that live adjacent to the station have repeatedly denounced the effects of the formation waters that Texaco deliberately dumped into the environment without any treatment. Many families have testified that they have health problems due to the contamination of the streams, wetlands, and rivers. In addition, there have been reports of deaths of cattle and other domesticated animals, animals that the farmers are dependent on for their daily nourishment.

On January 15, the Assembly of Delegates, formed by representatives of indigenous nationalities (Siona, Secoya, Cofán y Huaorani), farmers/colonists and the Amazon Defense Front (Frente de Defensa de la Amazonía) met to discuss strategies to continue their struggle and maintain unity. Specifically, they discussed ways to actively involve more people in the judicial inspections and the lawsuit/campaign against ChevronTexaco. In addition, commissions were formed to visit and meet with the newly elected officials (especially local officials in Orellana and Sucumbíos, as well as the mayors of Lago Agrio, Shushufindi, Orellana and Joya de los Sachas) that took office on January 5.

According to the plaintiffs in the “trial of the century”, the environmental remediation of the affected areas by ChevronTexaco will cost at least $6 million. The judge, however, will make the final decision based on expert reports from the judicial inspections.


*Translated by Amazon Watch


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