Corporate Accountability | Amazon Watch - Page 59
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Corporate Accountability

Letter From Ecuador

The Nation | When Renee Arevalo purchased a small plot of land just off the main road to Shushufindi several years ago, it seemed like a great opportunity.

Texaco Sued Over Pollution Oil Waste Dumped

Newsday | San Carlos, Ecuador - Texaco's legacy in the Amazon oozes from an oil pit near Ruperto Narvaez's shack like pus from a sore.When the rains come, as they often do in this remote jungle town, black goo overflows from the pit into a nearby stream that serves as Narvaez's main water source.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Tribe Members Didn't Resist Gifts of Food, Fuel

Newsday | Dureno Cofan, Ecuador - The jungle dwellers, barefoot and clad in tunics, thought a strange bird had dropped from the sky when the first Texaco helicopter touched down nearly four decades ago.Creeping through the lush underbrush, the Cofan tribe members approached the strapping men descending from the helicopter in ov

Ecuador Gets Chavez'd ... Bush Has Someone New to Hate Exclusive Report for the Nation | Greg Palast meets with Washington's newest bête noire of Latin America, Ecuador's President Alfredo Palacio, and discusses the confidential World Bank agreements that shackle his nation.Watch the exclusive broadcast from Ecuador this week on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!George Bush has someone new to hate.

Perú: Comunidades Machiguengas Rechazan Audiencia para Lote 56, Camisea 2 | * Denuncian presiones y manipulación del MEM para realizar audiencia el 09 de mayo pero ellos no abrirán local comunal* Comunidad Shivankoreni exige transparencia y afirma que Camisea solo ha significado daños para el pueblo machiguengaDirigentes de la Comunidad Nativa Shivankoreni hicieron público que

Perú: Machiguenga Communities Reject Public Audience for Block 56, Camisea 2 | * They denounce pressures and manipulation of the MEM to carry out audience May 09 and will not open communal localities * Community of Shivankoreni demands transparency and affirms that Camisea project has only brought about problems for the Machiguengas Leaders of the native community of Shivankoreni p

Chevron Defeats Amazon Shareholder Resolution

Energy Compass | A resolution from institutional investors to force ChevronTexaco to compile a report on its operations in Ecuador's Amazon region, where indigenous communities are suing it for alleged environmental damage, has been defeated for the second year running.

Environmental Proposals Get Cold Shoulder

San Francisco Chronicle | ChevronTexaco shareholders at their annual meeting Wednesday rejected two proposals questioning the company's treatment of the environment, before the session ended in a verbal clash between an activist and the firm's top executive.Shareholders turned down a measure asking the oil giant to study how drilling could dama

Protesters Throng ChevronTexaco

Contra Costa Times | San Ramon - More than 100 people – street theater performers, people in penguin suits and the son of a Nobel Prize winner among them – protested outside of ChevronTexaco's headquarters Wednesday morning as the company held its annual shareholders meeting inside.A small delegation of protesters was

Critics Sound Off on ChevronTexaco

Contra Costa Times | San Ramon - After a year in which a company posts a record $13 billion in profits and sees its stock price rise 20 percent, what is there to complain about?Quite a lot, judging by a demonstration outside and comments inside ChevronTexaco Corp.'s annual shareholders meeting, which was held early Wednesday morning

Chevron Shoots Down Ecuador Shareholder Resolution Again

Oil Daily | ChevronTexaco shareholders defeated a resolution submitted by major institutional investors that sought to force the company to address litigation pitting it against native communities in Ecuador's Amazon region over alleged environmental violations.For a second straight year, a coalition comprised of California'

Outrage Over CEO's Conduct -- Chevron CEO O'Reilly Reports Record Oil Profits, Then Shuts Down Microphone On Ecuadorians After Traveling Days From Rainforest, Carmen Perez Finds Out She Can't Speak Controllers from New York and California Join Forces to

San Ramon, CA — Perhaps angered by a call by large shareholders that the Ecuador situation be independently reviewed by the Board of Directors, ChevronTexaco CEO David O’Reilly Wednesday reported record oil profits and then promptly shut down the microphone on a prominent Ecuadorian rainforest leader before she had a chan

ChevronTexaco Investors on Eve of Shareholder Meeting: Damage to Ecuadorian Amazon is Bad for Business as well as Environment Shareholders call for full disclosure of environmental and human rights liabilities Shareholder resolution proponents hold 2

San Francisco, CA – At a press conference today in San Francisco on the eve of ChevronTexaco’s annual shareholder meeting in San Ramon, representatives from the California state pension funds, social investment firms, and environmental and human rights organizations expressed concerns regarding ChevronTexaco’s activitie

Controversial Art Speaks: 'We want life'

Tri-Valley Herald | San Ramon — Humberto Piaguaje and Carmen Perez traveled thousands of miles from their native Ecuador to see a wall of pictures on display in San Ramon.Piaguaje, an indigenous Secoya, and Perez, an Ecuadorean public health worker, were on hand Monday night for the opening of an art exhibit titled "Crude Reflections: C

Exhibit Targets Oil Giant Tied to Rain Forest Wells

Contra Costa Times | Bianca Jagger is returning to San Ramon to criticize a former ChevronTexaco subsidiary's pollution of the Ecuadorian rain forest, helping to bring attention to a photo exhibit at a restaurant.The exhibit, featuring images from the rain forest region, is the latest jab at the San Ramon-based oil giant over environmental