2020 | Amazon Watch - Page 4
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All: 2020

International Organizations Amplify Indigenous Peoples' Demands in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic

Among the demands, Indigenous peoples call for an Amazon-wide moratorium on all extractive activity on their territories

COVID-19 poses a mortal threat to Amazonian Indigenous peoples. As of April 7th there have already been at least 1,868 cases of the disease in the region and 59 deaths. Those numbers are likely to explode in the coming weeks, and we need to take action now to prevent more deaths.

Another Amazonian Indigenous Leader Is Murdered in Brazil

Zezico Rodrigues Guajajara, a prominent Indigenous leader from Araribóia Indigenous territory in Brazil's Amazonian state of Maranhão, was assassinated on Tuesday afternoon. His body was found near his village, Zutiwa, in the municipality of Arame. Zezico is the fifth Indigenous Guajajara murdered in just the past five months.

How a Human Rights Lawyer Went from Hero to House Arrest

Lawyer Steven Donziger helped win a $9.5 billion judgment for rain forest cleanup. Then Chevron hit back.

The Nation | "Steven is totally the opposite of how Chevron portrays him," said Luis Yanza of the Amazon Defense Coalition. "He's dedicated his life – a great part of his life – to defending people in our poor communities."

Urgent Action Needed to Protect Indigenous Peoples from COVID-19 in Ecuador

Quito, Ecuador – In response to the global health crisis related to the coronavirus pandemic, yesterday Indigenous and human rights organizations in Ecuador sent a letter of concern urging the government to implement concrete, culturally-adequate, and effective protection measures in order to guarantee the fulfillment of Indigenous peoples' rights...

Coronavirus, Land Invaders, and Missionaries… OUT!

Indigenous leaders are demanding that the Brazilian government remove illegal loggers and miners and prohibit missionary groups from entering their territories

Encouraged by Bolsonaro's project to open up Indigenous territories for economic exploitation, non-Indigenous people are putting more than 300,000 Indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon at risk of contracting the novel coronavirus. What's worse is that the deforestation caused by these criminal industries is encroaching upon the territory of...

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Amazon Watch Joins Indigenous Partners in Demand to Close Territories Due to COVID-19

In a series of statements, PSA's, and social media outreach, Indigenous peoples of the Brazilian, Peruvian, and Ecuadorian Amazon prepare to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus into their territories

"As humanity faces a global pandemic, Indigenous peoples of the Amazon are among the planet's most vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. We call on allies around the world to amplify the messages from Indigenous peoples across the Amazon basin who are, once again, fighting for survival. We must mobilize to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus...

Drilling in the Amazon? Global Financiers Say Yes

TriplePundit | "The Amazon rainforest is crucial to climate stability, and oil drilling expansion is one of the greatest threats to it," said Moira Birss, campaign director of the finance program at Amazon Watch.

Amazonian Women Mobilize to Demand Justice and Support for Earth Defenders

The Amazonian women joined the march with the goal of amplifying their voices of resistance against extractivism

Over 100 Amazonian women, representing multiple Indigenous nations across Ecuador, came together to march for the dignity of their peoples, to reclaim their songs and wisdom, to re-ignite their fight against extractivism, and to address social inequality and the rampant impunity for those who attack defenders of nature.

Thousands in the Ecuadorian Amazon in Urgent Need After Extreme Floods

"This has everything to do with climate change."

As Indigenous peoples prepare for COVID-19, historic storms in the Ecuadorian Amazon have caused rivers to rise and have flooded communities including Sarayaku, Pacayaku, and Teresa Mama on the Bobonaza River. This has led to the collapse of bridges and destruction of homes, schools, and gardens to grow food and medicine.

The Corona Connection

Forest loss drives viruses as well as climate change – and Indigenous peoples are on the front lines of the destruction

The Nation | "The coronavirus is now telling the world what we have been saying for thousands of years – that if we do not help protect biodiversity and nature, then we will face this and worse future threats," said Levi Sucre Romero, a BriBri Indigenous person from Costa Rica.

Amazonian Indigenous Peoples Condemn Ecuador Mining Project at Toronto Conference

The "consultation process" that was presented at the recent conference does not comply with international standards which guarantee that any such process be prior, free and informed. Moreover, the process itself has been carried forward without the prior consent of the affected communities.

Let's Stay Connected and Grounded!

Amazon Watch is practicing social distancing, postponing Amplify, and halting travel in response to COVID-19

During this time of COVID-19, we have chosen to limit all travel to prevent the spread of the virus, and also to stay grounded in our work to protect the Amazon, defend the defenders, and demand climate justice. This is an opportunity for all of us to reshift, rethink, and reground ourselves in our work, our community, and our families.

New Report Highlights Links Between Big Finance and Amazon Crude

Activists urged to Join the #StopTheMoneyPipeline to take on Wall Street!

In our newest report, Investing in Amazon Crude, and activist guide, Building People Power to End Investment in Amazon Crude, Amazon Watch details the ways that five of the world's most powerful financial institutions – Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, and BlackRock – actively contribute to climate change by providing debt and...

U.S. Firms Bankroll Oil Extraction in the Amazon – Report

E&E News | Major U.S. financial institutions are funneling billions of dollars into crude oil expansion in the western Amazon rainforest, according to a report released today that underscored Indigenous peoples' long-standing opposition to fossil fuel extraction on ancestral lands.

Report: The Five Biggest Financiers of New Amazon Oil Boom

BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, HSBC, and JP Morgan Chase defy their own commitments by backing dangerous oil and gas extraction in the western Amazon

Oakland, CA – A report released today by Amazon Watch shows how five American and British financial institutions are actively accelerating climate change and human rights abuses by providing billions of dollars in debt and equity financing for crude oil extraction projects in the western Amazon. Already, millions of acres of the western Amazon...

Building People Power to End Investment in Amazon Crude

Building People Power to End Investment in Amazon Crude is a 4-page refresher for activists who want to better understand the role that major financial institutions play in escalating the climate crisis. It includes detailed data from the latest Amazon Watch research on the total debt and equity financing provided by five major firms to companies...

Investing in Amazon Crude

The Network of Global Financiers and Oil Companies Driving the Amazon Toward Collapse

This report outlines in detail the ways that five of the world's most powerful financial institutions are actively contributing to climate change by providing debt and equity financing for crude oil extraction projects in the Amazon. It highlights key examples of on-the-ground Indigenous resistance to oil extraction, which is not only terrible for...

International Women's Day Alliance of Indigenous Legislators from Brazil and the US

There has never been a more urgent time to support and highlight Indigenous leaders like Congresswomen Wapichana and Haaland, who are the antithesis of Trump and Bolsonaro. The Brazilian president recently delivered a blatantly racist speech in which he stated that Indigenous people, "are becoming human beings just like us."

Baby Steps from Leading Financiers Aren't Enough to Address the Climate Emergency

It shouldn't take a million baby steps for the finance sector to adopt measurable policies that prioritize Indigenous rights and prohibit deforestation and fossil fuel extraction. JPMorgan Chase and BlackRock need to go much further. They need to stand up and make sweeping changes to their policies, now.

Haaland, Omar, and Brazilian Congresswomen Call for Global Solidarity

"We, Indigenous peoples, are the main target of Bolsonaro’s government. The Amazon is on fire. Laws and policies to protect the environment and uphold our rights are being dismantled. Our institutions are being gutted. The president has taken action against demarcation of our lands, threatening our existence. This puts lives at risk, especially in...

Bolsonaro Threatens the Indigenous Right to Be

Brazil's president once again attempts to erase the Indigenous way of life through his policies and actions. "Is this what we want: to wipe out the Indigenous peoples? Is this Brazil's policy?" asked Brazilian Congresswoman Joênia Wapichana.

BlackRock's Agribusiness Engagement Guidelines Draw Scrutiny from Environmental Groups

Amazon Watch and Friends of the Earth demand real action on deforestation and human rights

"BlackRock is clearly feeling the pressure from the climate and Indigenous rights movement to align its investment practices with a sustainable world, which includes how it engages with and invests in agribusiness," said Moira Birss, Climate and Finance Director at Amazon Watch. "Its new statement identifies many of the key risk factors of the...

Joaquin Phoenix Makes Film with Extinction Rebellion and Amazon Watch

Sônia Guajajara, Executive Coordinator of the Association of Brazil's Indigenous Peoples said: "This film is very important for us at this moment. It demonstrates the artists' engagement in Amazon protection by showing the key role Indigenous peoples play in defending the forests, the planet, and life itself."

BlackRock Issues Investment Stewardship Statement on Agribusiness

"BlackRock is clearly feeling the pressure from the climate and Indigenous rights movement to align its investment practices with a sustainable world, which includes how it engages with and invests in agribusiness," said Moira Birss, Climate and Finance Director at Amazon Watch.

How the Lawyer Who Beat Chevron Lost Everything

The Intercept | “He has effectively been convicted of bribery by the finding of a single judge in a case in which bribery wasn’t even the charge,” said Charles Nesson, an attorney and Harvard Law School professor.