2020 | Amazon Watch - Page 5
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All: 2020

Australia and the Amazon: Two Terrible Tragedies With One Key Difference

Various news outlets have noted that both the Australian and Amazon tragedies were related to climate change but failed to describe a key difference between them: the fires in Australia are almost exclusively wildfires, while those that ravaged the Brazilian Amazon were intentionally set by people, primarily for land speculation and agribusiness.

BlackRock Responds to Demands for Stronger Climate Action with Bold New Commitments

The company still remains the largest investor in coal, oil, gas, and the companies driving deforestation

"This announcement is a major step in the right direction for BlackRock," said Moira Birss, Finance Campaign Director at Amazon Watch. However, It still leaves questions about how it plans to address the fact that it is the world's biggest investor in deforestation."

The Climate Movement Is Going After Wall Street

A new effort, Stop the Money Pipeline, aims to end the financing of fossil fuels

A coalition of some of the nation's leading climate, youth, and Indigenous organizations launched a major new mobilization, Stop the Money Pipeline, that will pressure banks, insurance companies and asset managers to stop financing fossil fuels and deforestation and start respecting human rights and Indigenous sovereignty.

Protecting the Amazon Is Going to Take All of Us!

For everyone that hosted a fundraiser, shared our videos and posts, or did something creative to spread awareness and protect the Amazon, thank you. This movement requires all hands on deck. We need to maintain the same sense of urgency in order to protect it and its Indigenous peoples. Onward together!