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(Interview with) Q’orianka Kilcher The Star of ‘The New World’ on Oil Exploration in Peru, Corporate Accountability, and Being a 16-Year-Old Producer

LA City Beat | The star of ‘The New World’ on oil exploration in Peru, corporate accountability, and being a 16-year-old producerIn Terrence Malick’s 2005 film, The New World, a young Q’orianka Kilcher plays Pocahontas, guiding Colin Farrell’s John Smith toward an understanding of the American wilderness and its indigenous

Hollywood Star Q’orianka Kilcher Addresses United Nations on International Day of the World’s Indigenous People Q’orianka shares experience in the Peruvian Amazon and expresses her support for the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

New York- In celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People Wednesday, Q’orianka Kilcher, the young Hollywood star who played Pocahontas opposite Colin Farrell and Christian Bale in Terrence Malick’s ‘The New World’, joined the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to give her su

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Q'orianka Kilcher, Star of “The New World,” Calls on Occidental Petroleum to Clean Up Contamination in Peruvian Amazon Rainforest Q’orianka Pledges Support for Indigenous People as they Declare a State of Emergency in their Ancestral Territory Con

Los Angeles – Q’orianka Kilcher, who won the 2006 ALMA Award for Outstanding Actress in a Film for her performance as Pocahontas in the Terrence Malick film The New World, briefed the media this morning at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica on her recent trip to the northern Peruvian Amazon rainforest.

Q´orianka Kilcher, Star of “The New World,” to Discuss Recent Visit to Peruvian Amazon Rainforest Devastated by Occidental Petroleum Q’orianka Pledges Support for Indigenous People as they Declare a State of Emergency in their Ancestral Territory

* Broadcast Quality Footage and Digital Photos of Q’orianka’s Amazon Visit Available to the Press *___________________________________________________________________________________________WHO/WHAT: Q’orianka Kilcher, who won the 2006 ALMA Award for Outstanding Actress in a Film for her performance as Poc

U.S. Actress, Star of "New World," Defends Peruvian Indian Rights

EFE | Lima - Q'Orianka Kilcher, who starred as Pocahontas in last year's epic "The New World," has returned to her Peruvian roots to help in the struggle to protect Amazon-basin Indians being harmed by pollution from the oil industry.The 16-year-old actress visited the area around the Corrientes River, which is located more

Q´orianka Kilcher Denuncia la Contaminación Causada por la Explotación Petrolera Después de su Visita la Amazonia Peruana La Pocahontas Peruana Anuncia su Apoyo a las Comunidades Indígenas del Perú y su Preocupación por la Contaminación del Medi

Lima – Después de pasar la última semana visitando comunidades Achuar por el Rio Corrientes, en la selva norte de la Amazonia Peruana, la actriz Q´orianka Kilcher, que interpreta el papel de Pocahontas en la película El Nuevo Mundo, con reciente estreno en Lima, hoy hizo conocer la crítica situación de los indígenas

Amazonian Leaders Arrive in Los Angeles Culminating a 2-Week U.S. Tour to Expose How Oil Companies from the U.S. are Despoiling their Rain Forest Territories in Peru Interviews available in English & Spanish, Footage and Photos Also Available

WHO: Amazon Watch and Earth Rights International are hosting a delegation of Peruvian Achuar leaders, and their human rights lawyer, on a speaking tour of the United States (Washington D.C., NY, SF, LA) to expose how U.S.

Occidental Petroleum Promete No Entrar a Territorio Achuar

Lima, Perú – En una declaración emitida hoy, la organización Racimos de Ungurahui informó del reciente pronunciamiento de Occidental Petroleum de no entrar a territorio Achuar sin el permiso de estas comunidades.

Denuncian a Empresas Petroleras por Contaminación de la Amazonía

Diario La Republica | Parece que fue ayer cuando los hallazgos de petróleo en los pozos de Trompeteros y Pavayacu, en plena amazonía del departamento de Loreto, sirvieron para armar toda una campaña mediática que le otorgó cierta legitimidad a la dictadura del general EP Juan Velasco Alvarado.Pero era el año 1971.

Perú: Histórica decisión municipal reconoce propiedad de territorio indígena

La Voz de la Selva | Con ocho votos a favor y una abstención el Concejo Municipal provincial de Datém del Marañon aprobó la ordenanza municipal 0012-2008-CM-MPDM, que establece el procedimiento autónomo de ordenamiento y zonificación territorial para los pueblos indígenas de esta provincia.La decisión municipal ha sido calificada c