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Eye on the Amazon

10th Annual Global Anti-Chevron Day

From Australia to Argentina, Richmond to Ecuador, the Anti-Chevron community remains united

Anti-Chevron Day is not just about drawing attention to Chevron’s misdeeds, but also pointing out how many affected communities and their allies continue to support one another in resistance.

New Video: Protecting the Right to Protest and Defeating Corporate Bullies

Corporations like Resolute and Chevron continue to use legal bullying to attack Earth Defenders and the climate justice movement

“We formed this task force to protect our rights – and yours – to speak out, criticize, and protest peacefully. From SLAPP suits to surveillance, we are here to defend your protest. Because democracy needs dissent.”

Demarcation Now! Brazil’s Indigenous Movement Secures Land Recognition Victories

Munduruku land Sawré Muybu, home to 2023 Goldman Prize Winner Alessandra Munduruku, is one of the territories heading into the final steps of the demarcation process

"Lula promised to resume land demarcation. We believe in him, but let's not fool ourselves that now the fight will be easy. We will not solve 523 years of destruction in four years, but we will push on!"

Brazilian Indigenous Leader Alessandra Munduruku Awarded Goldman Prize

We celebrate and honor the life and journey of resistance by the great Indigenous leader Alessandra Munduruku. May her example serve as a source of inspiration and strength to continue our work in defense of the Amazon in solidarity with all Indigenous peoples.

The Right to Decide: U’wa Bring Case to Court After 25 Years

“As the U’wa Nation, we have a special mission for the Blue Planet, our Mother Earth, which is to defend her, protect her, safeguard her. Not just for the U’wa but for the whole world. This is the essence of the U’wa struggle from time immemorial.”

How We Leverage “Shareholder Season” for the Amazon

This April and May, the biggest financial backers of corporations that induce climate change and disregard rights will convene for their Annual General Meetings. We hope to push them to vote yes on important climate and Indigenous rights resolutions.

Women Must Be Protagonists in Solving the Climate Crisis

As the most vulnerable population, particularly those at the intersection of the environment and Indigeneity, women should take part in the development of global climate solutions

"We will all be affected by climate change." The truth is that some will face the impacts of this process much more than others. And it is women and girls who are the most vulnerable, with Black and Indigenous women being even more exposed.