Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 7
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Eye on the Amazon

Brazil at a Turning Point: “Never Again Without Us!”

Brazil's Indigenous peoples take back the right to decide over their lives and territories under the Lula government

For the first time, a government has put Indigenous peoples at the center, recognizing their ancestral right to decide over their lives and territories.

Amazon Watch at COP15 in Defense of Biodiversity and Indigenous Rights!

Canadian mining company Belo Sun’s stock took a major hit as our new report exposed major risks to investors during COP

Indigenous communities are uniquely qualified to speak on the intersections between mining and biodiversity: Indigenous lands make up around 20% of the Earth’s territory, containing 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity, requiring Indigenous peoples to be at the forefront of all decision-making regarding any global climate commitments.

A Powerful Beacon of Hope in the Colombian Amazon

The Siona of Buenavista are a beacon of resistance against incursions of oil companies like GeoPark into their territories. Solidarity from Colombian and international allies can be crucial to their success.

Reflections on Human Rights and Hope from COP27

After two weeks in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt for the Climate COP27 (The United Nations Conference of Parties on Climate Change), I’m reflecting on our purpose in attending and the outcomes.

Weaving a Tapestry of Direct Actions Toward New Horizons

The activist-led Amazon Defenders Fund (ADF) forges a bond of solidarity between Amazon Watch and our Amazonian partners and allies, and contributes to the woven tapestry of direct actions in their territories.

Many Ways You Can Support Amazon Watch

When you make a U.S. tax-deductible donation to Amazon Watch, you can count on your gift being put to work effectively and immediately to uplift Indigenous visions and solutions for the Amazon.

Executives Refuse to Address Vanguard’s Complicity in Amazon Destruction

A Peruvian delegation of Indigenous and fishing community leaders came to the U.S. to share their first-hand account of Petroperú's impacts on their livelihoods

A Peruvian delegation of Indigenous leaders and fishing communities is in the United States right now, confronting investors on their rights to live free from the devastation caused by the oil company the investors are bankrolling, Petroperú.

Bolsonaro Loses Presidency in Win for the Amazon!

The world is celebrating Brazilians’ close election for Lula, in a victory for the Amazon, Indigenous peoples, and democratic values

"This is a victory of love, of hope, of truth, of freedom, and of our fragile democracy that is now being strengthened," said Sonia Guajajara, Congresswoman-elect.