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Eye on the Amazon

Women Must Be Protagonists in Solving the Climate Crisis

As the most vulnerable population, particularly those at the intersection of the environment and Indigeneity, women should take part in the development of global climate solutions

"We will all be affected by climate change." The truth is that some will face the impacts of this process much more than others. And it is women and girls who are the most vulnerable, with Black and Indigenous women being even more exposed.

Women Defenders for Territories Free of Mining!

Celebrate International Women's Day by meeting defenders on the front lines of the Mining Out of the Amazon movement

Across the Amazon Basin, women are organizing in defense of life, rights, and territories, and are a critical part of the front lines movement resisting increasing threats such as mining.

Josefina Tunki Delivers Testimony at the UN on Behalf of the Shuar Arutam People

Josefina joined communities affected by Chinese business operations in Latin America to testify at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva

“The Shuar Arutam People have already decided and have declared forcefully that we do not want mining or consultation in our territory.”

The Transformative Power of Reciprocity and Gratitude

“Gratitude is so much more than a polite thank you. It is the thread that connects us in a deep relationship. Gratitude and reciprocity are the currency for a giving economy or regenerative economy.”

Movement Against Belo Sun Gains Momentum in Canada

With allies in power, including Environmental Minister Marina Silva and Indigenous Peoples' Minister Sonia Guajajara, what opportunities are now available to halt mining in the Amazon?

We count on the positive energy and mobilization of our supporters so that, together with our partners on the ground in Canada and our allies in the new Brazilian government, we can evaluate and expose the climatic risks of destroying an ecosystem as critical as that of the Volta Grande do Xingu, still threatened by Canadian mining company Belo...

The U.S. ambassador to Peru shakes hands with PM Alberto Otárola

The Massacre in Peru Must Be Stopped!

The violence unleashed by the government of Dina Boluarte is aimed primarily at Indigenous peoples and campesinos in the south of the country and has already claimed over 40 lives

Over the last few weeks, Peru has been going through an unprecedented political and social conflict that has already resulted in more than 40 deaths.

How We’re Ending Amazon Crude in 2023!

Indigenous movements are gaining political, judicial, and legislative victories setting the stage for keeping oil in the ground this year

There are several reasons to be optimistic about building momentum to further restrict plans to expand oil extraction in its Amazon and keep fossil fuels permanently in the ground, and Ecuador is a great example.