Report | Amazon Watch - Page 5
Amazon Watch

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From Well to Wheel

Unbeknownst to most, oil extraction in the Amazon is not only rampant; it is also expanding rapidly as global supplies dwindle and economic pressures multiply. Even lesser known is the fact that the majority of this rainforest-destroying fossil fuel ends up in gas tanks throughout the United States.

Amazon Watch School Curriculum

As an organization that works to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin, we were thrilled when Kimberly Todd and Valerie Robert, two talented and socially conscious teachers, reached out to us with their curricula and resources for parents and students to take action. They created these unit plans...

Amazon in Focus 2015

The past year saw many important victories for our partners, yet the next several years will be critical to advancing rainforest protection, indigenous rights, and solutions to climate change such as clean, renewable energy.

2015 Achievements and Priorities

It costs only $.03 per acre per year to support Amazon Watch's work with indigenous peoples to protect more than 60 million acres of rainforest from oil development and mega-dams. Please join us!

Investor's Eye on the Amazon

In our Winter 2015 issue, we bring you the latest updates and investor risks associated with companies operating or investing in the Amazon region.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Ecuador's Forest Partners Program


Though Socio Bosque has seen rapid growth in participation and amount of protected land since 2008, many concerns have been raised regarding the implementation of the current program and its future incorporation within a United Nations Convention on Climate Change REDD mechanism.

Amazon in Focus 2014

Plus Our Annual Financial Report for 2013

We stand at a critical moment in history. Amazon Watch is facing this challenge with great resolve and creativity. We are a powerful community and without you and your support, none of our work would be possible.

Investor's Eye on the Amazon

In our Spring 2014 issue, we bring you the latest updates and investor risks associated with companies operating or investing in the Amazon region, including two in-depth reports: Beijing, Banks and Barrels: China and Oil in the Ecuadorian Amazon and Chevron's Mockery of Justice: How Judge Kaplan's Decision Suffers from Five Fatal Flaws.

Issue Brief: Colombia's U'wa People

This brief report details recent threats faced by the U'wa of Colombia and their renewed call for international support to protect their territory and way of life.

Chevron's Threat to Open Society

Institutions, Organizations and Individuals Advocating for Corporate Accountability Condemn Chevron’s Retaliatory Attacks on Human Rights and Corporate Accountability Advocates and See it as a Serious Threat to Open Society and Due Process of Law

We condemn the actions by Chevron in its efforts to silence critics and ignore a $9.5 billion judgment against it for environmental damage in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Chevron's actions set a dangerous precedent and represent a growing and serious threat to the ability of civil society to hold corporations accountable for their misdeeds around the...