Amazon in Focus 2014 | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Amazon in Focus 2014

Plus Our Annual Financial Report for 2013

Fall 2014 | Amazon Watch | Report

Amazon in Focus 2014

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Amazon Watch recently converged in New York City with a delegation of courageous indigenous leaders and Earth defenders. We joined the largest climate march in history to mark the turning point for bold action toward averting catastrophic climate change on behalf of future generations and all living beings.

This climate crisis requires a complete shift not only away from a fossil fuel economy, but also in the way we see and relate to nature. Indigenous peoples of the forests have long called for a shift in our collective consciousness, a different worldview that celebrates our interdependence on a living, thriving earth.

The Kichwa people call on our “modern” world to consider their traditional philosophy of Buen Vivir (“Good Living”) – a perspective which redefines “progress” in important ways: choosing our responsibility to the seventh generation over quarterly earnings; regeneration over economic growth; and the pursuit of wellbeing and harmony over wealth and financial success.

The shift must start here and now. Humanity’s survival will depend on not burning two-thirds of our known global fossil fuel reserves while protecting vital biomes. So it makes no sense to be looking for more oil that our climate cannot afford to burn in highly biodiverse places like the Amazon rainforest – a majestic biome that serves as the engine of the planet’s weather system. This is why together with our indigenous partners, we’ve launched an international call to keep the oil in the ground in the Amazon.

We stand at a critical moment in history. Amazon Watch is facing this challenge with great resolve and creativity. We are a powerful community and without you and your support, none of our work would be possible.


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Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.



No Drilling in Yasuní!


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