Issue Brief: Colombia's U'wa People | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Issue Brief: Colombia’s U’wa People

May 2014 | Amazon Watch | Report

This brief report details recent threats faced by the U’wa of Colombia and their renewed call for international support to protect their territory and way of life.

In late February of 2014 an influx of heavy equipment into the region alerted the U’wa of a new project—the Magallanes gas exploration well. Similar to Gibraltar, this is immediately outside the limits of their titled resguardo (reservation). In a February 26th public statement, the U’wa wrote, “We are very concerned given that the sacred Cubogón or Keramá River, which feeds into the Arauca River, is but 500 meters from the point where the exploration activities are being carried out. Continuing the project would initiate a slow and silent death of the river.” They concluded the statement requesting that allies pressure the Colombian government to suspend the project.

The U’wa have continued to express unwavering opposition to any oil projects within their sacred territory. In the past, they have stated that they are willing to die to keep oil drilling out of their ancestral homeland.


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