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Worldwide Solidarity with Indigenous Leaders Threatened by Chinese Mining Project in Ecuador

This morning in Quito, indigenous, campesino, and civil society organizations delivered an international sign-on letter signed by 132 organizations and individuals to the Chinese embassy expressing concern over Ecuagoldmining, a Chinese mining company allegedly involved in the kidnapping, illegal detainment, violent assault, and assassination...

ENI-AGIP Oil Project Threatens Indigenous Territories in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Indigenous organizations have rejected the company's presence in their territories and an Indigenous leader has been subjected to threats and intimidation

"This attack is a reprisal for the struggle that I've been waging to defend life and our territories against the threat that is still being pushed upon us, fossil fuel exploitation in our territories."

Spring 2018 Investor Eye on the Amazon

A primer for shareholders concerned about rainforest protection and human rights

The Investor Eye on the Amazon provides an update on our campaigns targeting corporations with ties to dirty industry in the Amazon, and it aims to serve as a resource for socially-responsible investors, industry analysts, and researchers looking to better understand the risks associated with investment in extractive industries - and their own...

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


We Are the Land

Indigenous lands help regulate the planet's climate, for they are obstacles to deforestation. There is ten times less deforestation in indigenous lands than in non-titled lands.

Letter from the Shuar Arutam People to the Country and the World

As many of you know, recent days have been very dangerous for our people. These days have not yet ended and are, indeed, probably only the beginning of a great territorial dispute initiated by the National Government against the Shuar Arutam People.

Chiriaco: First Solidarity Assistance Arrives in the Indigenous Community of Nazareth

Around 82 families from the community of Nazareth benefited from the arrival of emergency supplies of essential food and water. The assistance was delivered by ORPIAN President Edwin Montenegro, thanks to the help of everyone who joined the Everyone For the Amazon (#TodosxLaAmazonía) campaign. This initial delivery was also carried out on the...

AIDESEP Presents an Effective Action Plan to Petroperu for the Amazon Oil Spills

The Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Amazon (AIDESEP) will meet today with representatives of Petroperu to demand from the company an immediate solution through an effective action plan to the environmental disaster resulting from the most recent spills in Chiriaco and Morona, caused by lack of maintenance of the...

Statement of the Sápara Women’s Association on Oil Exploration in Their Territory

The Association of Women of the Sapara Indigenous Nation of the Ecuadorian Amazon denounces the government of Ecuador which signed two contracts through the Ministry of Hydrocarbons, represented by the secretary of Hydrocarbons, Ivonne Fabara, and the president of Andes Petroleum Ecuador, Zhao Xinjun.

Brazilian Public Prosecutors Denounce Ethnocide and Call for Judicial Intervention in Belo Monte

The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office today initiated legal proceedings in a federal court in Altamira seeking recognition that the implementation of the Belo Monte dam project constitutes an act of ethnocide by the Brazilian government and dam concessionaire Norte Energia, citing abundant evidence of "the destruction of the social organization...

Ecuadorian Government Promotes Farce in an Attempt to Divide CONFENIAE

Pese a los evidentes intentos que tras este teatro ha movido el gobierno, financiando logística y movilización de 200 personas desde varias partes de la Amazonia, como CONFENIAE estamos claros del camino a seguir. Es evidente que esta acción responde a la altiva participación que como CONFENIAE y Amazonia, de manera especial las nacionalidades...

International Allies Denounce Violence Against Women on Strike in Ecuador

Indigenous groups from across Ecuador rose up last week in a General Strike to challenge proposed Constitutional amendments curtailing indigenous rights and allowing President Correa to stay in power indefinitely; the water law; expansion of the mining and fossil fuel concessions; and the government's opposition to bilingual education, among many...

Yudja Indigenous People Request Consultation Regarding Belo Sun

Federal Public Prosecutor, Para, Brazil | The company proposes to undertake mining operations in an area that will be most impacted by the Belo Monte hydroelectric project. The Federal Public Prosecutor, National Indian Foundation and Federal University of Para met with the indigenous Yudja to discuss their right to be consulted.

"We Are Here So History Does Not Repeat Itself"

The Peruvian State does not respond properly to the communities and indigenous federations suspend the dialogue until July 23rd

PUINAMUDT | Puinamudt, Peru – Lack of a clear and precise response from the State regarding the demands of the communities from the Pastaza and Corrientes river basins (represented by the FEDIQUEP and FECONACO indigenous federations, respectively) has generated conflict during the most recent phase of dialogue related to the Block 192 consultations.

Shuar Community Expels the Secretary of Hydrocarbons from Its Territory

CONFENIAE/CONAIE | Over and over again the participants expressed their rejection of oil activity and of the illegitimate free, prior, and informed consultation, and demanded the immediate withdrawal of Secretary of Hydrocarbons' office of information.

International NGOs Call for Transparency in Murder Investigation of Ecuadorian Indigenous Leader

Amazon Watch and 13 other environmental and human rights organizations urged the Ecuadorian government to ensure a just, transparent, and expeditious investigation into the murder of indigenous leader and anti-mining activist José Tendetza. We also condemned the SWAT team raid on José Tendetza’s house and urge the investigators to refrain from...

AIDESEP: Responding to El Comercio's Baseless Accusations about the Bagua Case

AIDESEP | We cite as the sole responsible parties for the violence unleashed on June 5th the government of ex-President Alan García and other representatives. They allowed for a massacre against the demonstrators. The police, following the orders of the Interior Minister, Mercedes Cabanillas, opened fire on and launched tear gas from helicopters against the...

Big Dams Are Not Clean Energy Sources

An open letter signed by 52 NGOs working in Latin America

As critical climate negotiations take place this week in New York, Amazon Watch joined a coalition of 52 NGOs working in Latin America to insist that large dams should not be considered a clean energy source, nor an energy solution to climate change.

Open Letter to Petroamazonas from Yasunidos

Report on the Cuyabeno oil spill

Alarmed and distressed by the information that diverse organizations and Amazonian populations shared with Yasunidos regarding the magnitude of the oil spill on July 3rd in the province of Sucumbíos, a commission traveled the length of Aguarico River, verified the extent of the spill's path, and received first-hand testimonies from affected...

Update: Current Situation of the U'wa Process

The U'wa people are advancing in our process of strengthening resistance in defense of culture, the Earth, the environment, rivers, mountains, air, and all of humanity.

Shareholders Keep Pressure on Chevron

Resolutions to highlight corporate governance failure and mismanagement of $19 billion Ecuador liability

A group of institutional investors and asset management firms plan to re-file three separate resolutions at Chevron. All three resolutions came to a vote at the 2012 Chevron annual shareholder meeting, winning significantly high support.

Historic Day of Celebration in Sarayaku about the IACHR Sentence

We, as the legitimate authorities and governors of our territories, reaffirm the full exercise of our constitutional collective rights that guarantee the continuity of our identity and the territorial life spaces of the Selva Viviente (Living Jungle).

Sarayaku to Their Allies: "Thank You"

Amazon Watch has been proud to accompany the Kichwa indigenous people of Sarayaku. In the wake of the historic sentence coming forth from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, our colleagues in Sarayaku issued the following expression of appreciation for all the solidarity they have felt over the years.

Update for Chevron Investors and Shareholders

Four separate resolutions have been filed related to Chevron's corporate governance issues and management of legal liabilities in Ecuador. In addition, an investor's letter to the company has a deadline of May 14th.

Amazon Watch's 2012 Priorities

Learn more about the biggest issues facing the Amazon rainforest and its indigenous peoples in 2012 and how Amazon Watch is focusing on them.

Call for Co-Filers for Chevron Shareholder Resolutions

Resolutions at Chevron on Corporate Governance and $18 Billion Ecuador Liability

A group of institutional investors are filing three separate resolutions at Chevron over its corporate governance and management of its legal liabilities in Ecuador.