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Colombian Tribe Scores "Historic" Victory Versus Big Gas

State company Ecopetrol pulls out of drilling site in territories belonging to the indigenous U’wa people

The Guardian | The indigenous U'wa people living in north-east Colombia have won what observers call an "historic" and "decisive" victory after state oil and gas company Ecopetrol dismantled a gas drilling site in their territories.

"The U’wa Nation Will Continue our Peaceful Protest"

The situation for Colombia's U'wa people is both more hopeful and also more precarious than it has been in years. This could be a watershed moment – either allowing them to achieve several key demands or ending in tragedy.

Colombia's U'wa Indians Continue Oil Protests After Talks Fail

Shutdown of Pipeline Has Cost the Government Over $130 Million

Wall Street Journal | "The proposals they offered weren't close to what we were demanding," said Ms. Tegria, who said the tribe is preparing a formal statement for later Friday. "We will continue to not authorize the repair of the oil pipe."

Colombian Indigenous Group Sets Conditions for Pipeline Repair

Platts | "We are tired of the explosions on the pipeline that have ruined our ancestral lands, polluted our water and put our people in danger. We want it relocated," said Heber Tegria Uncaria, vice president and spokesman for the U'wa Association.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Notes from Bogotá: The U'wa Solidarity Campaign

Claudia Cobaría of the U'wa relates the threats of oil and gas extraction to Mount Cocuy, "the lungs of water." "The snowcapped mountain is a source of life, the connection we U'wa have with the ocean and the rest of the planet."

Belo Monte Dam Does Not Meet Banks' Sustainability Criteria

The controversial Belo Monte Dam, slated for construction in Brazil's Amazon region, does not meet the standards of an international framework used by the world's largest private banks to evaluate sustainability, say human rights groups in Brazil.

Oil Daily: Indigenous Groups Oppose Colombia Drilling

The Oil Daily | New York – As the Colombian government seeks to expand oil and gas drilling to raise production, it is licensing blocks in increasingly remote areas, infringing on the territory of indigenous tribes, according to environmentalists and groups rep- resenting indigenous people.Today, most of the country's oil output

COLOMBIA: Resistencia Uwa contra petroleras y megaproyectos

La comunidad indígena Uwa, que desde 1995 se ha opuesto a la explotación de recursos naturales en su territorio sagrado y ancestral, anunció que simultáneamente a la gran Minga Nacional, este 12 y 13 de octubre realizará una actividad de resistencia en Cubará, Boyacá, para manifestar su oposición contra las actividade

U'wa Resistance Against Petroleum and Megaprojects

Thursday, October 8, 2009By: Actualidad ÉtnicaThe U'wa indigenous community, that has opposed the exploitation of natural resources in their sacred and ancestral territory since 1995, announced that they will carry out a resistance action in Cubará, Boyacá on October 12 and 13.

U'wa Statements on the 10th Anniversary of the Murder of Terry, Ingrid, and Lahe

CONTEXT: March 4, 2009 marks a decade after the murder in Colombia of Terence Freitas, Ingrid Washinawatok and Lahe'ena'e Gay, who were all passionate advocates of indigenous rights around the world. The three activists were kidnapped by armed men during a visit to the territory of Colombia’s U’wa indigenous people.

U'wa Indigenous Community Peacefully Occupies Ecopetrol's Gibraltar Platform to Demand Cancellation of Oil Project

1,000 U'wa Participate in 3-Day Action Despite Warnings and Intimidation Attempts by Military

Bogotá, Colombia — Nearly one thousand members of the U’wa indigenous people from the cloud forests of northeastern Colombia participated in a historic march and peaceful occupation of Ecopetrol’s oil platform in protest of oil project on their sacred ancestral lands.

U'wa Denuncia Publica

Una vez mas queremos anexar o expresar nuestro mas sincero denuncia publica ante la actitud del gobierno y la empresa Ecopetrol y sus políticas en la bolsa de Nueva York que nuestras autoridades indígenas y los cabildos U`wa en muchas oportunidades al gobierno y a la empresa les a exigido el respeto al territorio ancestral

Open Letter to Senator McCain about Colombia Visit

1 July 2008Senator John McCain241 Russell Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510VIA FACSIMILESenator McCain, On the occasion of your visit to Colombia, Amazon Watch would like to draw your attention to several issues of deep concern for human rights in Colombia, and to respectfully

90 Organizations Call for Demilitarization of U'wa Territory

Bogotá, July 1st 2008 President Álvaro UribePresident of the Republic of ColombiaMr. President - We are writing to express our support to the U´wa people and our deep concern regarding recent events in their territory.

U’wa Communique: Ecocide, Genocide, or Sustainable Development?

U’wa Territory – 27 November 2007Esteemed Friends from Europe, United States, Central America, South America, and the worldWe, the U’wa, are writing you now looking to reinforce our international relationships given that you all have been and will continue to be a great encouragement in our process of cult

ECOPETROL becomes privatized and as a result braces itself against native inhabitants

Actualidad Etnica | By Luis Carlos Osorio R.Director of Actualidad EtnicaBogotá, 27 September 2007The hypothesis is simple and shared by many specialists in the field: with the sale of stock shares, the Colombian government, on one hand, continues the process of privatization by auctioning the most profitable company in

U’was Reactivan Diplomacia a Favor de Su Territorio

Actualidad Étnica | Bogota - Gubanu, un hombre anciano, quien además es un werjayu (sabio), recorrió descalzo el distrito capital, para iniciar una nueva etapa en la diplomacia u’wa.

Gibraltar 3 Desata Nueva Polémica U'was - Gobierno

Actualidad Etnica | En esta oportunidad, la Empresa busca realizar perforaciones de una profundidad aproximada a los 17 mil pies. Las dos anteriores habían llegado a los 11 mil y 14 mil pies aproximadamente.

Dirección de Etnias Refuta Argumentos de los U’wa

Actualidad Etnica | Bogota - Después de evaluar las razones por las cuales el pueblo u’wa dijo no a la consulta previa, el pasado 21 de noviembre la Dirección de Etnias del Ministerio del Interior y de Justicia de Colombia, emitió un concepto en el que concluye que los argumentos de los u’wa para no participar en la consulta no son ajusta

Ecopetrol Iniciará el Plan de Manejo Ambiental en Territorio U´wa

Actualidad Etnica | Bogotá - La Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos –ECOPETROL- dará inicio al Plan de Manejo Ambiental (PMA) para la exploración de petróleo en territorio U´wa, con el fin de establecer los posibles impactos positivos y negativos que dicha actividad puede tener sobre la pervivencia cultural y social de este pueblo ind

Dirección de Etnias y ASOU’WA Se Pronuncian sobre Consulta Previa

Actualidad Étnica | Bogotá - La Dirección de Etnias del Ministerio del Interior y de Justicia, fue enfática en señalar que “vigilará y garantizará el respeto de la integridad étnica y cultural de los u’wa en la ejecución del proyecto de sísmica”, en la caso de los u’wa agremiados en ASCATIDAR (Asociación de Cabildos y Autoridad

Colombian Government’s Decision to Start Seismic Testing on U’wa Indigenous Land a “Huge Step Backwards” Amazon Watch Warns Ecopetrol Not to Repeat the Mistakes of US Oil Firms on Indigenous Territory

San Francisco, CA – The Colombian government’s decision to allow seismic testing inside the legal and ancestral territory of the U’wa indigenous people, on some of the most biodiverse cloud-forest anywhere in the world, was greeted with dismay by Amazon Watch today.The decision to permit the Siriri/C