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Decreto No. 1088 de 1993 Resolución de registro No. 003 de febrero de 1997. Dirección genera de asuntos Indígenas Ministerio del Interior PRONUNCIAMENTO A LA OPINION PUBLICA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL

Una vez más el Pueblo U'wa rechazamos la actitud avasalladora de la Oxy, porque esta pretende seguir desconociendo la Soberania de nuestro Pueblo Milernario y por tanto de la legitimidad de nosotros los U'wa con respecto a los Territorios Ancestrales que hoy pisotean los agentes de la Multinacional Occidental de Colombia Inc

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Occidental Drills on Tribal-Claimed Colombian Land

Reuters | Bogota - Occidental Petroleum Corp (NYSE:OXY - news) began drilling a long-delayed test well Friday in a potentially oil-rich corner of Colombia, where U'wa Indians have threatened mass suicide to defend what they claim as ancestral lands.

Decree Number 1088, 1993 Registry Resolution Number 003, February 1997. Minister of the Interior Communique to the National and International Public Kera Chikara - Ancestral and Sacred Territory of the U'wa People

The U'wa People want to make known the National and International Public the repressive nature of the public forces, military, and anti-riot police who are, on a daily basis, physically and morally assaulting members of the U'wa community who are living on the Santa Rita and Bellavista Farms in Cedeno, Toledo, North Santander

Decreto No. 1088 de 1993 Resolución de registro No. 003 de febrero de 1997. Dirección genera de asuntos Indígenas Ministerio del Interior COMUNICADO A LA OPINION PUBLICA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL Kera Chikara - Territorio Ancestral y Sagrado U'wa

El Pueblo U´wa damos a conocer a la Opinión Pública Nacional e Internacional las actitudes represivas por parte de la Fuerza Pública ejército y policía antimotines quienes a diario están agrediendo física y moralmente a los miembros de la comunidad U'wa que se encuentran usufructuando los predios Santa Rita y Bellavi


As president of the Cabildo Mayor of the ASSOCIATION OF TRADITIONALU'WA AUTHORITIES and in the name of this sovereign community, Iofficially present to the national and international communities therejection of the second ruling made by the Superior Tribunal of theJudicial District of Santafe de Bogota


En mi condicion de Presidente del Cabildo Mayor de la ASOCIACION DEAUTORIDADES TRADICIONALES U'WA y en nombre de este soberano pueblo pormedio del presente escrito presento oficialmente a la comunidad nacional einternacional el rechazo al fallo de tutela de segunda instancia proferidapor el Tribunal Su

Thousands of U'was and Supporters Resume Blockades English translation of U'wa Communique

As a result of the recent events that have occurred in U'wa territory, due to the violent military and police intervention, that in past days took the lives or three of our children and resulted in the disappearance of five indigenous brothers, demonstrations of solidarity for our community have continued to grow.

Communique to the National and International Public:

1. We denounce the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) for the various actions that they have carried out against the U'wa people; such as armed intimidation against indigenous inhabitants of our communities in past months; the machine-gun fire attack on Mr.

Communique from the Pueblo U’wa

Cubara, ColombiaWe, the U’wa, declare to the government and its various entities, to Congress , to the different social organizations, human rights NGO’s, national and international environmentalists, to the oil companies and to the Colombian people in general, that we have united formally behind the stoppages and p