Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 86
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Eye on the Amazon

Crude Politics: Is Chevron Involved in a Billion Dollar Bait-and-Switch?

As the Yasuni-ITT Initiative deadline approaches, did its chief negotiator make a deal with the devil?

The Huffington Post | With Chevron running out of legal options to avoid its $18 billion liability in Ecuador, the company may be taking corporate malfeasance and greenwashing to a whole new level.

Stand4TheAmazon this Season

We are delighted to share a message from TV personality Layla Kayleigh who has teamed with Amazon Watch for a special campaign for "Stand for the Amazon Day" on December 28th.

Lesson from Durban

We are the climate changers we've been waiting for

Another global climate conference has come and gone, another heartbreaking missed opportunity for humanity to actually do something about impending climate chaos.

"We Are on the Verge of Genocide."

An urgent call from the Peruvian Amazon

According to the urgent testimony of two Catholic priests, an already tense situation in Achuar territory has taken a turn for the worse over recent months, heightening the risk of imminent bloodshed between neighboring families.

Nourish the Cause: Gourmet Gifts that Give!

This holiday season, give ethically-sourced, gourmet superfoods and Essential Living Foods will give 25% of your purchase directly to Amazon Watch.

Documentary Takes Aim at Belo Monte Dam

TreeHugger | There's a war of sorts underway in the Brazilian Amazon, and the stakes are high. Filmaker André D’Elia is hoping his documentary Belo Monte - Announcement of a War will help his side.

Traveling with the Achuar

"Talisman thinks you can find strategies to divide us or convince us that you should operate in our lands, but we will not let a single company operate in our territory."