Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 84
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Eye on the Amazon

Inspiration from the Xingu, A Final Stand

This is why we do what we do. Not only because it is the right thing to do, but because we committed to these people and to the Amazon. It's because standing in solidarity means much more than a simple expression.

PlusPetrol Contaminates Rio Corrientes with More Oil Spills

Video Denounces New Spill

Alianza Arkana Blog | Still recovering from a recent spate of devastating oil spills on the Chambira and Marañon rivers, leaders from Amazon communities in Northern Peru are decrying yet another PlusPetrol spill on the Rio Corrientes.

Notes from Bogotá: The U'wa Solidarity Campaign

Claudia Cobaría of the U'wa relates the threats of oil and gas extraction to Mount Cocuy, "the lungs of water." "The snowcapped mountain is a source of life, the connection we U'wa have with the ocean and the rest of the planet."

An Evening with the Bacajá Xikrín

An intimate look into the life and culture of the Xikrín Kayapo in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon just kilometers away from where the government is plowing forward to build the Belo Monte Dam that could devastate their way of life.

Iquitos Streets Fill with Demands for Clean Water

Oil Companies Pose New Threat to City Water Source

Alianza Arkana Blog | Lending their bodies and voices to a chorus of songs and chants, hundreds of Peruvians marched through the streets of Iquitos to protest destructive oil drilling along the tributaries of the Amazon River.

URGENT: Chief Raoni and the Kayapo Under Attack!

Chief Raoni has called for support to pressure the Brazilian government to protect his people's lands against armed thugs sent by ranchers and illegal settlers to intimidate them and encroach upon their lands.

US Court Delivers Serious Rebuke to Chevron's Abusive Legal Tactics

Victory for Ecuadorians Seeking Justice in the Amazon

The ruling sets right a "grave injustice against the Ecuadorians," and "rebukes Chevron's abusive legal tactics ... to malign the very people who suffer as a result of the company's deliberate poisoning of their homeland."