Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 85
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Eye on the Amazon

US Court Delivers Serious Rebuke to Chevron's Abusive Legal Tactics

Victory for Ecuadorians Seeking Justice in the Amazon

The ruling sets right a "grave injustice against the Ecuadorians," and "rebukes Chevron's abusive legal tactics ... to malign the very people who suffer as a result of the company's deliberate poisoning of their homeland."

Vale: Worst Corporation in the World?

In our tradition of going after corporate crooks we invite you to help denounce Vale, the largest iron-ore mining company in the world and a prime force behind the disastrous Belo Monte Dam.

Great Moments In Stupid Chevron PR

The Understory | Chevron's spokespeople have never been afraid to make absurd excuses for why their company puts profits over people. Now that Chevron has been found guilty again, we wonder what new ridiculous excuse it will dream up.

Ecuador Plaintiffs Tell Chevron: "Enough is Enough!"

"You must pay for the crime that you committed in Ecuador. You must pay for the social, cultural, and environmental damage that you caused. And this will allow us to begin repairing that damage."

Crude Politics: Is Chevron Involved in a Billion Dollar Bait-and-Switch?

As the Yasuni-ITT Initiative deadline approaches, did its chief negotiator make a deal with the devil?

The Huffington Post | With Chevron running out of legal options to avoid its $18 billion liability in Ecuador, the company may be taking corporate malfeasance and greenwashing to a whole new level.

Stand4TheAmazon this Season

We are delighted to share a message from TV personality Layla Kayleigh who has teamed with Amazon Watch for a special campaign for "Stand for the Amazon Day" on December 28th.