Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 87
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Eye on the Amazon

Many Thanks from All of Us at Amazon Watch!

In the spirit of giving thanks, we made this short video to thank you for your love and support of Amazon Watch's work to defend the Amazon and advance the rights of indigenous peoples.

Peas Peas Confronts Talisman Energy in Canada

Achuar leader Peas Peas Ayui has traveled from the Amazon to Canada to protect his people’s ancestral territory and culture from Calgary-based Talisman Energy’s operations.

Chevron's Leadership is an Oxymoron

The jury is no longer out: Chevron is a criminal – an unrepentant recidivist – not a leader. So why was it invited to speak at this year's BSR conference?

Occupy Belo Monte!

In a direct action of unprecedented scale and impact, occupiers shut down construction of the Belo Monte Dam, sending a strong signal of resistance to a belligerent federal government.

18 Years of Fighting Chevron

Cofán elder Marina Aguinda Lucitante shares a song to mark the 18th anniversary of the monumental legal struggle against Chevron for massive environmental crimes in the Amazon rainforest.

Bolivian Indigenous March a Success

President Morales cancels road through TIPNIS reserve

Yesterday, President Evo Morales cancelled a planned road project that would have cut through the heart of the TIPNIS indigenous reserve in the Bolivian Amazon.

"The Amazon is Life"

Q&A with Sheyla Juruna, Indigenous woman warrior from the Brazilian Amazon

Earth Island Journal | If you've heard of the Belo Monte Dam, you've probably seen a picture of Sheyla Juruna, Indigenous woman warrior from the Xingu River Basin of the Brazilian Amazon.

The Unconquered: Must-Read Book Hits the Shelves

New Book about Uncontacted Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon

Back in 2003, I read a National Geographic article that dealt with an expedition, deep into the farthest reaches of the Amazon, to look for but explicitly not contact an indigenous tribe.