Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 82
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Eye on the Amazon

The Achuar to Canada: Meet the Delegates

Message from Jiyukam (Lucas) Irar Miik

"My people have elected me to travel to Canada to tell the world about how Talisman's oil drilling puts our lives in danger."

Heck of a Job, Brownie!

Chevron revealed that CEO John Watson was paid about $25 million in 2011, up 52 percent from 2010. Last year was, of course, the year in which the company was ordered to pay $18 billion for oil spills in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Chumpi & the Waterfall

"We're going to prove that a future without the oil company is possible"

Meet Chumpi, a young indigenous Achuar boy from Chicherta Village in the remote headwaters of an Amazon tributary deep in the Peruvian rainforest.

A Journey for Clean Water

Jungle Dispatch | The years have passed slowly. When Emergildo was a child he saw the Texaco helicopters hovering above the forest canopy and thought they were "metal birds." Then he saw the rivers run black.

Solidarity with Brazilian Social Movements

Marchers protest against Brazil's backsliding on environmental and human rights policies

"This is a march of solidarity with the Brazilian social movements, human rights advocates, environmental activists, indigenous peoples, and peasant movements. And also in protest against the government's environmental policy."

Dilma Government Backsliding on Environment

As Rio+20 nears, Brazil’s Dilma shouts down critics and undermines her case

Are those of us concerned about the growing and dire threats to the Amazon and its peoples fantasizing about the president's dismal socio-environmental policies? She seems to think so.

The Trial and the Road to Justice

Jungle Dispatch | Under the spirited and watchful eye of los afectados por Texaco, more than 200,000 pages of court filings and evidence from the historic Aguinda v Chevron case was transferred to Ecuador's National Court of Justice in Quito.