Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 81
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Eye on the Amazon

Dilma's Dilemma: Urge Brazil to Veto Forest Code

President Dilma has just 9 days left to veto this hatchet job before it becomes law. With the world watching, which side of history will she choose to be on? Will her legacy be Amazon ruin? Or, will she act on behalf of future generations?

Jungle Justice: Ecuador Recognizes Rights Violations in Sarayaku Case

An unprecedented site visit by the IAHCR sheds light on testimony of abuses and a surprising admission from the state

Sarayaku in Ecuador is one of the more unique places in the Amazon. The community has beaten back oil drilling plans on their lands for over a decade, and their plan de vida for future development and land management is visionary.

Epic Greenwashing From Chevron

Apparently believing that no outright whopper can't be repeated again and again, Chevron has issued a report bragging about the company's "commitment to respecting global human rights." It's a glossy, 50-page masterpiece of corporate greenwashing.

Colombia's Road to Extinction

Current Threats Facing Colombian Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous groups in Colombia continue to face unjust violence, colonization, dispossession of lands, displacement due to armed conflict and climate change, stunted recovery and development due to ethnic discrimination, forced assimilation, and cultural degradation.

Talisman's Very Bad Day

CEO John Manzoni's mouth was frozen in an outraged pout, as if he were undergoing some unspeakably undignified surgery. His meeting with the face-painted Achuar leaders was not going well at all.

This Used to Be Forest

The Achuar people live on both sides of the Peru-Ecuador border in the Amazon rainforest. Since 2004, Calgary-based Talisman Energy has been drilling exploratory wells in a remote watershed in the heart of Achuar territory – despite strong opposition from the people who live there.

Return of the Achuar to Turtle Island

Whereas oil companies want to operate with impunity in indigenous territories, we help courageous communities bring their demands directly to their corporate headquarters. This time, it's Talisman Energy, which has long held designs on the oil within Achuar lands.

President Dilma: Veto This Forest Code Hatchet Job!

Greenpeace | Following years of intense pressure from the agribusiness sector, Brazil's parliament yesterday afternoon approved sweeping reforms to the country's forest protection law that spell destruction for the Amazon rainforest.

Driving the Company Off an $18 Billion Cliff

Ecuadoreans In Europe Highlight Chevron Management’s Misguided Litigation Strategy

SF Gate | Chevron was found guilty for environmental crimes in Ecuador in February of 2011 and fined upwards of $18 billion. Since that historic decision, Chevron’s litigation prospects have dimmed considerably.