Solidarity With the Family of Eduardo Mendúa and CONAIE | Amazon Watch
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Solidarity With the Family of Eduardo Mendúa and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador

Stop the stigmatization, criminalization, and violence against the Indigenous movement

March 1, 2023 | Statement

Amazon Watch

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On February 26, in the afternoon, Eduardo Mendúa, father, community leader of the A’i Cofan nation, and secretary of international relations of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) was murdered. This crime occurred just after his return from the CONAIE Council Meeting. During the meeting, the organization announced its decision to desist from participating in a further dialogue between the Ecuadorian government and various social sectors led by the Indigenous movement, due to the lack of compliance with the agreements by President Lasso and the increased repression of Indigenous communities resisting extractive industries in their territories.

Leila Salazar-López, Amazon Watch Executive Director, released the following statement:

“Amazon Watch expresses our deepest condolences and solidarity with the family and loved ones of Mendúa, and with the leadership and members of CONAIE. We join their demand for a thorough and rigorous investigation and acknowledgment of the root causes of his death. We consider it essential that Eduardo’s widow and children find justice and the greatest possible reparation for this unjust and irreparable loss.

“We also remind the Ecuadorian government of the fundamental role of human rights defenders, particularly Indigenous leaders in our societies. According to national and international legislation, Ecuador has the obligation to guarantee a safe environment for the work of human rights defenders and to provide adequate and effective processes for reinforced protection when they are subject to threats. Therefore, we urge the Ecuadorian government to guarantee the protection of Earth Defenders.

“We demand the Ecuadorian government establish a regulatory framework for the protection of Earth Defenders and implement policies to oversee corporate activity and hold them legally responsible in the case of corporate abuses that lead to social and environmental crimes. Finally, we call for immediate and effective action on the agreements reached during the dialogues following the 2022 mobilizations, in order to achieve real solutions for peace and social justice.”

Medúa had been leading the resistance against oil activity in the Cofan A’i Dureno Indigenous community, located in the province of Sucumbíos, in Ecuador’s northern Amazon. Over the last decade, the government-run companies Petroamazonas and Petroecuador have tried to install three platforms to open 30 oil wells, by implementing strategies of community division and instigating confrontations, leading to unfortunate events of violence that have now claimed the lives of two leaders: Eduardo Mendúa and his brother, Gino Mendúa.

The murder of Eduardo Mendúa reflects the major deterioration of respect for Indigenous rights and increasing threats and violence against Earth Defenders protecting Indigenous territories in Ecuador. This is a consequence of persistent pressure on territories for extractive activities. Aggressive government, corporate, and investor plans for new mining and oil projects without respecting the life plans and rights of Indigenous peoples lead to threats and violence against Indigenous leaders, as well as tensions and divisions within the communities themselves.

The Ecuadorian government has stigmatized and promoted a policy of criminalization against Indigenous leaders, organizations, and communities in the country, which is echoed in part by the country’s public opinion. The government has also failed to comply with most of the agreements reached with CONAIE in the dialogues after the mobilizations of June 2022 and still fails to implement Free, Prior, and Informed consultation as required by its constitution and international standards. The government’s actions enable the conditions for unacceptable and violent events such as the murder of Eduardo Mendúa.


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