Thousands in Lima March for Climate Justice! | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Thousands in Lima March for Climate Justice!

December 10, 2014 | Eye on the Amazon

Amazon Watch and indigenous allies joined thousands of marchers yesterday in defense of the rainforest and territorial rights and to demand that voices from the Amazon be heard at the United Nations COP20 climate negotiations. Activists organized the event as “A March in Defense of Mother Earth” modeled after the historic People’s Climate March that took place in New York City and around the world last September and as part of the Peoples’ Summit – a grassroots series of events running parallel to the climate summit currently underway in Lima.

The march highlighted the connection between protecting indigenous homelands and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, whether from deforestation or oil extraction. Amazon Watch marched proudly with colorful signs reading “Keep the Oil in the Ground” and participants spread messages around the world using hashtags such as:

#YoMarcho10D #Marcha10d #ClimateAction #COP20.


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Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.



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