Dozens of New Oil Spills in the Northern Peruvian Amazon | Amazon Watch
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Dozens of New Oil Spills in the Northern Peruvian Amazon

March 1, 2011 | Photo Gallery

A new report by the Federation of Indigenous Communities of the Corrientes River (FECONACO) reveals the devastating ongoing impacts of oil drilling. A team of monitors from the indigenous Achuar and Urarina communities on the Corrientes River documented 18 major crude oil spills in 2010 and over 90 spills over the last three years, directly affecting dozens of miles of rivers and streams and vast stretches of forest. Blocks 1-AB and 8 are currently operated by Argentine company Pluspetrol. Block 1-AB was operated by Los Angeles-based Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) from 1971 to 2000 and is the subject of ongoing litigation by communities alleging the company severely contaminated the environment for nearly 30 years.


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