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COLOMBIA: Resistencia Uwa contra petroleras y megaproyectos

La comunidad indígena Uwa, que desde 1995 se ha opuesto a la explotación de recursos naturales en su territorio sagrado y ancestral, anunció que simultáneamente a la gran Minga Nacional, este 12 y 13 de octubre realizará una actividad de resistencia en Cubará, Boyacá, para manifestar su oposición contra las actividade

U'wa Resistance Against Petroleum and Megaprojects

Thursday, October 8, 2009By: Actualidad ÉtnicaThe U'wa indigenous community, that has opposed the exploitation of natural resources in their sacred and ancestral territory since 1995, announced that they will carry out a resistance action in Cubará, Boyacá on October 12 and 13.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


A People Beyond the Riverbanks

Written By Cristiano Navarro, Brasil de FatoTranslated by Natalia TaddeiBolivians will be affected by the dam projects, yet their lands have been not included Brazil's environmental impact study.

Tragic history repeats itself on Brazil's Madeira River

By: Christian Poirier, Amazon Watch Brazil Program CoordinatorAlong the banks of Brazil's Madeira River, the rusty remnants of the Madeira-Mamoré railroad, built a century ago to run steam engines from Porto Velho to Guajará-Mirim in Bolivia, lay in ruins.

AIDESEP Statement: A Historic Day for Indigenous Peoples

Speaking on behalf of indigenous peoples, the vice-president of the Inter-Ethinc Association for Development in the Peruvian Amazon (AIDESEP), Daysi Zapata, expressed her satisfaction with the decision of the Congress of the Republic to repeal the illegitimate legislative decrees 1090 and 1064 and called on the government to

NGO Letter to Obama Administration about Crisis in Peru

June 12, 2009The Honorable Hillary ClintonSecretary of State United States Department of State2201 C Street NWWashington, District of Columbia 20520Dear Madam Secretary:We are writing to request that the United States Government take immediate, concrete and public action to help r

Photos of Awajun indigenous protesters in Bagua

Awajun indigenous protesters in Bagua, northern Peru, where armed police put many of them into hospital in a May 10th attack on their peaceful blockade of the Corral Quemado Bridge (see photos and video here).

Video and photos of police attack near Bagua, Peru

On Sunday, May 10, armed police attacked and broke up a peaceful demonstration on the Corral Quemado Bridge close to the northern Peruvian town of Bagua, resulting in several serious injuries and one person missing, feared dead.

Invasión de Ecopetrol y FFMM, violación de derechos más grande contra los U'wa

En un documento entregado al director HSE y Gestión Social de Ecopetrol, Napo León Gómez y al Teniente Coronel Juan Carlos González, Comandante del Batallón Especial Energético Vial No.1, la comunidad U'wa dejó claro, una vez más, su rechazo a cualquier tipo de actividad dentro de su territorio que atente su cosmovisi

Indigenous Peoples Summit on Climate Change

Indigenous peoples from around the world gathered in Anchorage, Alaska April 20-24 to exchange their knowledge and experience in confronting the impacts of climate change, and to develop key messages and recommendations to be articulated to the world at the Conference of Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate

Brazilian Social Movement Condemns "Dictatorship on the Madeira River"

The Brazilian Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) issued the following statement to denounce the treatment of riverine communities who are being impacted by the construction of the Santo Antônio and Jirau dams on the Madeira River in Brazil's Rondônia state.


1. Repeal of all legislative decrees and laws that impinge upon the rights of indigenous peoples. These laws include Law 29317 that modifies Legislative Decree 1090 also known as the NEW FOREST AND WILDLIFE LAW, Law 29338, the Water Resources Law, and Legislative Decrees 1089, 1064 and 1020.2.

Earth Day: Do Environmental Rights Equal Human Rights?

By: Priscila Neri Witness: www.witness.orgWhat images come to mind when you think of human rights? Pictures of torture, unjust detention, police brutality, political persecution? Or do you think about climate change? What about when you think of the environmental movement? Do you picture polluted oceans, de

Despite Protests, Work Continues on Madeira River Dams

Recent events surrounding the Santo Antonio and Jirau hydroelectric dam schemes underway on the Amazon’s Madeira River highlight the controversial nature of these projects as well as the lack of public consensus around the Brazilian government’s “development” plans for the Amazon basin.


The Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest – AIDESEP, The Machiguenga Council of the Urubamba River – COMARU, Citizen Action for Camisea and other civil society organizations, by signing below, are expressing our objection to the organization of the Interamerican Development Bank’s (IDB)

Brazil's Madeira Riverbank Dwellers Call for Help

Members of the riverbank communities on Brazil’s Madeira River sent a letter to Brazil’s President Lula da Silva prior to his visit to see work on the two dam sites of Santo Antonio and Jirau, key projects of the Initiative for the Regional Integration of Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA).

COIAB meets with Prince Charles in Manaus

The coordinator-general of the National Indigenous Organization of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB), Jecinaldo Satere, delivered a document to the heir of the British throne detailing the position of indigenous peoples on environmental issues.

Amazon Watch on Good Morning America

Amazon Watch was featured on Good Morning America in its recent series of reports about the Amazon. The report, which aired on March 11 and was entitled "At Home in the Amazon", focuses on the plight of indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation, deep in the rainforest.

Yasuní: The Last Chance or the First Step?

Yasuní: The Last Chance or the First Step?By Esperanza MartínezAcción EcologicaOn Februray 5, 2009, presidential decree number 1572 indefinitely extended an initiative not to exploit crude oil located in Yasuní National Park in Ecuador.With this, the Yasuní-ITT ini

U'wa Statements on the 10th Anniversary of the Murder of Terry, Ingrid, and Lahe

CONTEXT: March 4, 2009 marks a decade after the murder in Colombia of Terence Freitas, Ingrid Washinawatok and Lahe'ena'e Gay, who were all passionate advocates of indigenous rights around the world. The three activists were kidnapped by armed men during a visit to the territory of Colombia’s U’wa indigenous people.