Peru | Amazon Watch - Page 35
Amazon Watch


Victory for Peru’s Nahua People as Oil Development is Removed from their Territories

The Nahua, an indigenous people in initial contact with the outside world, have learnt that plans for oil exploration in their territories adjacent to the controversial Camisea Gas Project in Peru’s remote southeastern Amazon, have been abandoned in the face of strong local and international condemnation.

Energy Project vs. Environmentalists in Peru

New York Times | Paracas, Peru - In the barren moonlike landscape outside this coastal hamlet, workers in hard hats are busily laying cables and constructing giant holding tanks for natural gas liquids.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Asegura PPK, Tras Conversar con Presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

Expreso | Crédito a Camisea en el BID está en manos de EE UUEn diálogo con EXPRESO, el ex ministro de Economía Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK) comentó que, durante una reciente conversación con el presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), Enrique Iglesias, este le mencionó su deseo de otorgar el préstamo de US$

Piden Investigar Denuncias de Irregularidades en Camisea

La Republica | Una nueva denuncia contra la construcción de la planta de fraccionamiento de Camisea en la playa Lobería hicieron las asociaciones ambientalistas: la obra no cuenta con licencia de habilitación urbana.

Gobierno Confía en Préstamos para Camisea, mientras Artistas Se Oponen

RPP Noticias | Mientras el ministro peruano de Economía Jaime Quijandría confía en la aprobación de préstamos para el proyecto gasífero Camisea, artistas del cine y de la música pidieron al presidente George W. Bush bloquear el financiamiento a dicho proyecto.

Artistas de Hollywood Piden a Bush que No Respalde Plan Gasífero en Perú

CNN en Español | Lima - Un grupo de estrellas de Hollywood pidió el jueves al presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, que no financie un polémico proyecto de gas en Perú, para evitar la destrucción de una de las zonas de la selva amazónica más ricas en biodiversidad en el planeta.

Hollywood Stars Rally for the Rainforest Bianca Jagger, Sting, Ruben Blades, Kevin Bacon, Susan Sarandon, Chevy Chase and More Urge Presidents Bush and Toledo: “Don’t Finance the Destruction of Peru’s Amazon Rainforest”

Washington, DC – Human rights advocate Bianca Jagger spent the past week writing and calling President Bush, President Toledo and Mr. Enrique Iglesias, the president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to urge them to withhold public funds to the controversial Camisea fossil fuel project in the Peruvian Amazon.

Celebrities: Bush, Don't Fund Peru Rainforest Ruin

Reuters | Lima, Peru - A group of show business stars urged President Bush on Thursday not to let U.S. tax dollars destined for a Peruvian energy project be used to fund the ruin of one of the planet's most precious rainforests.

Famosos Urgen a Bush No Financiar Camisea

CPN Radio | Un grupo de estrellas de Hollywood invocó el jueves al presidente estadounidense George W. Bush que no financie un polémico proyecto de gas en Perú, para evitar la destrucción de una de las zonas más ricas en biodiversidad del planeta, en la selva amazónica.

Achuar of Peru Denouce OXY's Divisive Tactics

PRONOUNCEMENTThe Achuar people of Peru, settled in the basin of the Huitoyacu, Huazaga and Pastaza Rivers, organized through their highest authorities into Achuarti Iruntramu (ATI) and the Achuar Chayat Organization (ORACH) make the following known to public opinion:1.


El Consejo Directivo Nacional de la Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP), a nombre de sus 1,250 comunidades indígenas amazónicas afiliadas, de las 53 federaciones y 6 regiones, se dirige a los hermanos indígenas de la costa y la sierra; a nuestros compatriotas; a la opinión pública naciona

Peru Denied Export-Import Bank Funds for Gas Project

Reuters | Washington - The Export-Import Bank of the United States dealt a blow to Peru on Thursday by voting against $214 million in loan guarantees for the Camisea natural gas project. "The board voted down Camisea", Phil Cogan, a spokesman for the bank, told Reuters.

Financing for Peru’s Camisea Project Voted Down by U.S. Ex-Im Bank U.S. Agency Applauded for Upholding Indigenous and Environmental Safeguards in Controversial Amazon Energy Project

Footage and Photos of Damage by Camisea Available Upon RequestWashington, D.C.—Under mounting pressure from environmental and indigenous rights groups and members of Congress, today the board of directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im) voted to reject financing for the controversial $1.6 billi

ExIm's Board Rejects US$200mn Camisea Loan - Peru | The board of directors at US Export Import Bank (Ex-Im) voted 2-1 on Thursday to reject a US$200mn loan for the upstream part of Peru's Camisea natural gas project because of environmental concerns, an Ex-Im source toldBNamericas. "I'm very excited to hear the news.


The National Council of Directors of the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Amazon (AIDESEP), in the name of its 1,250 affiliated Amazonian indigenous communities, 53 federations and 6 regions, addresses our indigenous brothers and sisters from the coast and mountains; our compatriots; national and wo


El Consejo Directivo Nacional de la Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP), a nombre de sus 1,250 comunidades indígenas amazónicas afiliadas, de las 53 federaciones y 6 regiones, se dirige a los hermanos indígenas de la costa y la sierra; a nuestros compatriotas; a la opinión pública naciona

Bank Delays Decision on Gas Pipeline

Financial Times | The Inter-American Development Bank has delayed a decision on a controversial gas pipeline in Peru after failing to reach agreement about the environmental and social impact of the project.The IDB board on Wednesday postponed a vote, at the request of its president, on whether to approve $135m in finance for the Camise

Pipeline Financing Vote Postponed

The Washington Post | Concerns about the impact on a Peruvian rain forest and coastal reserve forced the Inter-American Development Bank yesterday to postpone for a week a vote to finance a controversial $ 1.6 billion natural gas project that involves two Texas energy companies with close ties to the White House.Members of Congress, worldwi

Bush, the Rainforest and a Gas Pipeline to Enrich His Friends

Independent-UK | President George Bush is seeking funds for a controversial project to drive gas pipelines from pristine rainforests in the Peruvian Amazon to the coast.The plan will enrich some of Mr Bush's closest corporate campaign contributors while risking the destruction of rainforest, threatening its indigenous peoples and endan