Public Financing Delayed Again for Destructive Gas Project in Peru’s Amazon Hollywood Celebrities Urge President Bush to Safeguard Indigenous Rights and the Rainforests | Amazon Watch
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Public Financing Delayed Again for Destructive Gas Project in Peru’s Amazon Hollywood Celebrities Urge President Bush to Safeguard Indigenous Rights and the Rainforests

August 5, 2003 | For Immediate Release

Amazon Watch—Friends of the Earth—Bank Information Center Environmental Defense—Institute for Policy Studies

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Washington D.C. — For the second time in two weeks, under intense pressure from environmental and human rights groups and members of Congress, today the Board of Executive Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) delayed scheduled votes on the controversial $2.6 billion Camisea Gas Project in Peru. Votes at both banks were expected on August 6th but are now cancelled due to no consensus.

Sources indicate that the U.S. Government has yet to develop a final position on Camisea at either bank. European and Japanese Board members at the IDB are also growing increasingly concerned with the project. However, it is anticipated that the project be will brought back for votes within a month.

Friends of the Earth and Amazon Watch also report that prominent Hollywood celebrities will be issuing a related statement to President Bush this week on Camisea as the campaign to protect this part of the planet heats up.

The project is already scarring the Peruvian Amazon and affecting the Nahua-Kugapakori Reserve-home to previously uncontacted and isolated indigenous populations. Groups are also concerned about an export terminal for Camisea will also be built in the Buffer Zone of the Paracas National Marine Reserve, Peru’s only marine sanctuary for endangered birds and mammals.

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Recently a letter was sent from 13 U.S. Senators to the U.S. Treasury Secretary –the agency that directs U.S. voting decisions at IDB—and the head of the U.S. Export-Import Bank. The letter opposes public support for Camisea at this time, and echoes the concerns of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) who also sent a letter.

Reacting to today’s delay, environmental and human rights groups issued this statement:

“We applaud the decisions by Ex-Im and IDB to delay consideration of Camisea. These decisions send a clear message that the Camisea project as it currently stands is fundamentally flawed. Peruvian civil society organizations want fundamental problems addressed or this delay will be meaningless: drilling inside an indigenous reserve, massive threats to tropical forests and rivers, and an export terminal next to the internationally recognized Paracas Marine Reserve. Today, the burden and opportunity for leadership has shifted to President Toledo. President Toledo has the opportunity to lead discussions between the concerned organizations and the companies and public banks in order to implement Peruvian civil society’s demands and avoid even more devastation for indigenous communities, rainforests and a world-class marine reserve. This will require President Toledo to hear the voices of Peruvian civil society and push back deadlines for project completion.”

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