Ecuador | Amazon Watch - Page 62
Amazon Watch


Environmentalists Call on German Bank to Cancel Loan for Ecuador Oil Pipeline or Withdraw from United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative Protest Planned at WestLB’s New York Headquarters

WHAT: Public Demonstration, Street Theatre and Press Conference WHEN: Tomorrow, THURSDAY, JULY 25TH from 12 to 1 pmWHERE: 1211 Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue at 48th Street in Manhattan), at the offices of WestLB(New York, NY) – Following on the heels of activist Julia Butterfly Hill’s arrest and de


During March 2002, a study was conducted of the social and environmental impacts of the OCP construction. The entire trajectory of the heavy crude pipeline was inspected, from Lago Agrio to Esmeraldas. 149 property owners, workers and representatives from 5 municipal authorities were interviewed.

Julia Butterfly Hill Deported by Ecuador after Oil Confrontation

San Francisco Chronicle | Environmental activist Julia Butterfly Hill, deported from Ecuador on Thursday after her arrest at a Quito demonstration, said she was outraged by the destruction she witnessed along an oil pipeline route carved through the country's forests. Her actions while in Ecuador, however, outraged oil company executives.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Bloqueado Paso del OCP

El Universo | El Castillo, Pichincha -Ecologistas y habitantes de Mindo, agrupados en la organización Acción por la Vida, instalaron ayer un campamento en el cerro El Castillo, al noroccidente de Pichincha, para protestar contra la construcción del oleoducto de crudos pesados (OCP) por el bosque protector Mindo Nambillo.

Ecuador Activists Reoccupy OCP Pipeline Construction Site Julia “Butterfly” Hill Takes Action in Solidarity with South America’s First Tree-Sitters

Guarumos, Ecuador — Several dozen local community members from Mindo, accompanied by Julia “Butterfly” Hill, and members of Acción Ecológica and Amazon Watch, are currently re-occupying the Guarumos construction site of Ecuador’s new Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP) in the Mindo Nambillo Cloudforest Reserve, in ord

Colombia-Ecuador: European Caravan Protests Oil Mega-Projects

Inter Press Service | Bogota - European environmentalists began their international caravan in Colombia to protest against big petroleum projects here, and are to arrive in neighboring Ecuador Thursday, where they will speak out against the construction of an oil pipeline through that country's Amazon forests.

Indígenas Piden Investigación del Accidente del Cessna

El Comercio | Puyo - Los indígenas de la Federación Independiente del Pueblo Shuar de Ecuador (Fipse) pidieron una investigación del accidente aéreo en el cual fallecieron tres de sus dirigentes, el martes en Morona. La tragedia ocurrió en Mamayak, cuenca del río Pastaza.

Small Plane Crashes in Ecuador Jungle, Killing Four People

Associated Press | Quito, Ecuador - A small plane crashed in Ecuador's southern Amazon region, killing the pilot and three Indian leaders on board, an indigenous organization said Wednesday.The Pastaza Federation of Indigenous Peoples said the Cessna 178 went down Tuesday afternoon after taking off from Mamayac, a remote Shuar Indi

Makuma - Morona Santiago Ministerial Agreement N° 2881 - of December 27, 1996

The Inter-Federation coordinating body announces to the national and international public the tragic loss of our friends and colleagues Joaquin Najamdey, President of FIPSE, Rodrigo Wampankit, Parliamentarian of FIPSE and Samuel Wampankit Head of Territorial Affairs of FIPSE.

CDES Requests an Investigation into the Deaths of Shuar Leaders in an Air Accident

The Center for Social and Economic Rights, CDES, demands an immediate and transparent investigation into a tragic plane crash in the Ecuadorian Amazon which caused the deaths of 3 high level leaders of the Shuar people who were engaged in the lawsuit that the Shuar are bringing against the oil company Burlington on grounds of

Accion Por La Vida Update Mindo, ECUADOR

It has been one month and one day since Special Forces national police raided the peaceful protest camp in Cerro Guarumos and all activists were arrested, including some foreign tourists and students.

Noboa and Greens Clash Over Ecuador Pipeline

Energy Compass | Environmental activists have been arrested, released, and deported, troops have come and gone, environmental officials have dared to pull a license stopping work until the pipeline is repaired, and pressure is brought by the World Bank to change the route, but still Ecuadorean President Gustavo Noboa has vowed to complete the

Ecuador Presses Ahead with Controversial OCP Pipeline, Aims to Reverse Output Decline

Oil Daily | Though it is facing stiff challenges on several fronts, Ecuador is pressing ahead with the timely completion of its 450,000-barrel-per-day OCP heavy crude pipeline, which greatly enhances the Andean nation’s oil export capacity.The $1.1 billion pipeline, undertaken by a consortium made up of Canada's Alberta Energy,

Ecuador Police Detain, Deport Anti-Pipeline Activists

OneWorld US | Ecuador's police have detained 17 environmental activists who tried to block construction of a controversial oil pipeline through an ecologically unique Andean rainforest and plans to immediately deport the 14 foreigners in the group, including one U.S. citizen.