Camisea | Amazon Watch - Page 3
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Comision InterAmericana de Derechos Humanos Responde a Solicitud de AIDESEP Para Medidas Cautelares CIDH Pide al Estado Peruano Proteger a Pueblos Aislados Afectados por Actividades Extractivas en Cusco y Loreto

Empresas del Consorcio Camisea (en Cusco), y de Barrett y Repsol (en Loreto) operan en áreas superpuestas a territorios de pueblos indígenas aislados La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) solicitó al Estado peruano que le informe sobre la protección efectiva que ejecuta en favor de los pueblos

TGP Deberá Pagar Multa de 10 millones de Soles Ente regulador aplicó quince sanciones a la empresa, de las cuales trece fueron apeladas.

La Republica | A causa de infracciones cometidas durante la etapa de construcción del ducto de Camisea, el Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería (Osinergmin) sancionó a Transportadora de Gas del Perú (TGP) con tres multas por 3,100.41 unidades impositivas tributarias (UIT), lo cual equivale a 10.69 millones de sole

Camisea Como Sea

Rumbos al Dia - Medio Ambiente | Se promocionó como una alternativa, para el desarrollo de los pueblos, pero por ahora solo generan incertidumbre y preocupación ya que Camisea uno, no reflejaría la efectividad y la responsabilidad que debería tener todo proyecto que cuenta con el aval del gobierno que esta comprometido en el desarrollo de la nación.

AIDESEP Exige Respeto A Petroleras Para Indígenas Aislados

Organización indígena remitió cartas a empresas de diversos países que participarán en subasta organizada por PERUPETRO el 12 de julio La Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP) exigió, a través de una comunicación escrita, a diversas empresas petroleras peruanas y extranjeras

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Camisea Receives a Boost

Petroleum Economist | The success of Peru's plans to develop the country's gas industry depends on investment, but more importantly on the support of indigenous tribes in the Amazon region, writes NJ WatsonPERU'S AIM of joining the world's liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporters received a boost last month, when the Inter-American Development

Audit Clears Once-Leaky Pipeline for Funding

Inter Press Service | Washington - A controversial gas pipeline in the pristine heart of the Amazon forest that has ruptured six times since its inception received a clean bill of health this week from the main financial backer, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), drawing scepticism from indigenous groups and international environmentalists

Inter-American Development Bank Admits Glaring Omissions of Report on Controversial Rainforest Gas Project On-the-Ground Impacts of Camisea Mega-Project Excluded

Washington D.C – A heavily-touted environmental and social impact assessment commissioned by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to justify the expansion of the controversial Camisea gas project in a highly sensitive part of the Peruvian Amazon appears to omit fundamental criteria including damage done to biodiversity

Inter-American Development Bank’s Mandate Compromised by Excessive Private Sector Subsidies Lack of Democracy, Transparency, Improvements in Lives of Latin Americans

Press release: Inter-American Development Bank annual meeting, Guatemala City, March 16-20 *** Press conference at 1pm, today, Sunday, March 18, in the Sala El Obelisco, First Floor, Westin Camino Real Hotel ***Distributed by an alliance of NGOs from Latin América and the US in attendance at the IDB

IDB Forgives Debt of 5 Nations

The Washington Post | Guatemala City - The Inter-American Development Bank announced Friday it would forgive $4.4 billion in debt owed by five of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.The bank excused the foreign debts of Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti and Guyana in an announcement ahead of its annual meeting, which

The Camisea Cover-Up

NACLA Report on the Americas | Editor’s note: As the Inter-American Development Bank considers an additional $400 million loan to support a natural-gas project in Peru’s Camisea rainforest, a NACLA investigation, funded by the Samuel Chavkin Investigative Journalism Fund, finds evidence of botched pipelines and a government cover-up.The boat rid

Amazonian Tribe Protests at Oil Pollution- Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon are Stepping up their Campaign Against Oil Companies

BBC News | Peru's Amazon state, Loreto, takes up almost a third of the entire country.A vast expanse of rainforest divided by tributaries of the Amazon river, even its main city Iquitos is only accessible by boat or plane.But its inaccessibility has not discouraged oil companies from hunting for black gold, and they have b

The IDB’s “Independent” Audit of Controversial Amazon Pipeline Is at Risk, Warn Green Groups Current Audit Process for Camisea Marred by Conflicts of Interest

Lima, Peru – Environmental and human rights organizations today warned the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) that the Bank’s process for conducting an “independent audit” of the problematic Camisea gas project, the Bank’s flagship project in Peru is marred by conflicts of interest and lacks independence.


ACCION CIUDADANA CAMISEA – ACC"Red de organizaciones comprometidas en que el Proyecto Camisea se realice bajo una visión estratégica que priorice el desarrollo sostenible y la mejora de la calidad de vida de nuestro país”El proyecto Camisea está una vez más en el centro de atención de los peruanos por

BID Sigue Financiando Gasoducto de Camisea

IPS Inter Press Service | Washington - El BID, principal financista público de Camisea, no descarta asignar más dinero a la segunda fase de la construcción de este gasoducto en la selva amazónica de Perú, lo que preocupa a ambientalistas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil.Esta entidad multilateral había prometido que, para otorgar nuev

Peru: Bank Signals More Funds for Problematic Pipeline

IPS | Washington - Critics of a controversial pipeline in the Amazon rainforest that has ruptured five times since its inception in 2004 are dismayed that the main public funder of the project is on the verge of giving more money for its second phase despite earlier promises to await the results of audits probing the pipeline

IDB’s Due Diligence for Peru LNG Appears to Prejudge Camisea Audit Results Commitment to Await Audit before Approving $400 million Loan Questioned

Washington - The InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) appears to be backtracking on a public commitment to condition future funding for Peru’s Camisea gas project on the satisfactory completion of an environmental and social audit of the project’s disastrous first stage, Amazon Watch said today.Amazon Watch, a San

Para Gobierno Norteamericano Camisea No es un Proyecto Exitoso

Servindi | A pesar que la prensa limeña afirma lo contrario el proyecto Camisea fue duramente cuestionado en el senado de EEUU e incluso podría trabarse el financiamiento del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) a Camisea II.

Camisea Cash Storm

Upstream | US President George W.

Leaky Gas Pipeline Finds Foes in Washington

Inter Press News Agency | Lima - Phase II of Peru's controversial Camisea gas project has once again run up against opposition from the U.S. government and Senate, which may vote against approving additional Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) funding.Wednesday's U.S.

Bank Said to be Close to Deal to Evaluate Hunt's Peru LNG Project Loan

Platts LNG Daily | Washington - The Inter-American Development Bank is moving forward in assessing whether to provide a loan to Hunt Oil for the second phase of the Camisea natural gas project in Peru that would lead to a liquefaction project, even as the US government panned the bank's decision Wednesday to grant financing for the first phase

Peru's Next Camisea Project Faces Tough US Scrutiny

Reuters | Washington - U.S. support for a liquefied natural gas project piggybacking on Peru's leak-prone Camisea pipeline will hinge on tougher environmental, social and revenue safeguards, a U.S. Treasury official said on Wednesday."We are of the view Camisea has not been a success.