2017 | Amazon Watch - Page 3
Amazon Watch

All: 2017

Sápara People of Ecuador Fight Big Oil For Broken Promises

The Sápara people of Ecuador are fighting to keep more oil drilling out of their territory, especially after a recent meeting with the Ecuadorean government that left the issue unresolved, and silence from an international organization that had given them protective status.

Maps Reveal How Amazon Development Is Closing in on Isolated Tribes

Development projects in the Amazon Basin – including dams, roads, and oil and gas operations – are encroaching on forests that are the last refuges of thousands of indigenous people who continue to shun contact with the outside world, according to a study that estimates the tribes' locations.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Brazilian Firm Wants To Build New Dams in Amazon’s Aripuanã Basin

With the bancada ruralista mining / agribusiness lobby in control of the Temer government and Congress, a Brazilian company, Intertechne Consultores, sees it as an opportune time to revive a shelved plan to build dams in the Amazon’s Aripuanã basin.

Chevron’s Toxic Legacy and Continued Destruction

There are countless actions that Chevron can and should take to be a less terrible neighbor and a better actor on the world stage. Two straightforward ones: stop purchasing and refining Amazon crude and stop fighting a greenhouse gas emissions cap on its Richmond refinery.

It Could Cost $1 Billion To Clean Up the Oil in Peru’s Northern Amazon

Who is going to clean up Peru's northern Amazon after decades of companies spilling oil and dumping billions of barrels of toxic production waters? Certainly not US company Occidental which ran the biggest concession, Lot 1-AB, until 2000, nor, it would seem, Petroperu, which ran the other major concession, Lot 8, until 1996 and operates the...

We Are Made of the Sacred!

A mobilization of the Munduruku people, which began two months ago by women concerned with defending sacred places and indigenous rights and led to an occupation of the construction site of the São Manoel hydroelectric dam project, ended on Friday. The Munduruku, however, have made it clear that their struggle continues.

China’s Other Big Export: Pollution

A true climate leader would invest in the preservation of areas of global ecological importance rather than destroy them.

Deforestation Soars in Colombia After Farc Rebels’ Demobilization

"The Farc would limit logging to two hectares a year in the municipality," said Jaime Pacheco, mayor of the town of Uribe, in eastern Meta province. "In one week [last year], 100 hectares were cleared and there is little we can do about it."

Keep It in the Ground: From Ecuador to California

Last year, about 10% of the oil processed by California refineries came from the Amazon basin. This represents about half of the oil exported from the region. In other words, California refineries are collectively the largest consumers of Amazon oil in the world.