2013 | Amazon Watch - Page 9
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All: 2013

Peru Declares Amazon Oil Contamination Emergency

Associated Press | Lima, Peru – Peru's government declared an environmental state of emergency on Monday in a remote Amazon jungle region it says has been affected by years of contamination at the country's most productive oil fields, which are currently operated by Argentina-based Pluspetrol.

Ecuador's Amazon for Sale in Beijing

Investors risk violating Chinese government regulations

Beijing, China – Amidst widespread international outcry, Ecuadorian government officials are slated to meet with dozens of Chinese investors and oil company executives today at the Hilton Beijing Wangfujing in an effort to auction off over three million hectares of pristine Amazon rainforest for oil activities.

Brazil Protesters Occupy Controversial Amazon Dam

AFP | "Activities on the Pimental site, where the Xingu River already has dried up, are completely stopped and the 30,000 workers have been withdrawn by management at the request of the protesters."

"Volta Grande do Xingu"

A poem by Luciano Gouveia de Moraes Silva, age 13

I just stumbled upon this poem that 13-year-old Luciano read to me by candlelight from his family's modest home on the banks of the mighty Xingu River, deep in the Brazilian Amazon, and I had to share it with you in honor of World Water Day.

Bringing the Fight over Bolivia's TIPNIS Road to Washington, DC

Bolivian indigenous leaders denounce human rights violations in Isiboro-Sécure case in Washington

Carwil Without Borders | Bolivian indigenous leaders addressed the IACHR in the culmination of a weeklong trip in what is now the third year of the high-profile campaign to prevent the Bolivian government from building a highway through TIPNIS lands.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


New Protest Paralyzes Brazil's Belo Monte Dam

Indigenous and riverbank communities occupy key work camp of Amazon megaproject

Altamira, Brazil – Some 150 protestors from four indigenous groups and allied riverbank communities occupied a major work camp and halted construction of the controversial Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River. This is the third protest in less than a year that has halted dam construction as tensions have mounted over human rights violations...

Water Rising…

Stop Belo Monte | While Amazon Watch team is on the ground in Brazil heading out to another occupation in efforts to stop the Belo Monte Dam, heavy rains continue to fall in the Xingu region. The water started rising earlier this week and now Altamira is totally flooded.

UN Urges Peru to Suspend US$480m Gas Plans "Immediately"

Huffington Post | The United Nations' Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is urging the Peruvian government to "suspend immediately" plans to expand the country's biggest gas project, expressing concern for indigenous peoples living in "voluntary isolation" in the Amazon.

A Tough Sell Indeed

A new report from Analytica Investments warns that the XI Oil Round in Ecuador would threaten "a biodiversity every bit as varied as that of the fabled Yasuní National Park to the North" where one hectare holds more tree species than exist in all of North America.

The Gods of the Xingu Are on Our Side!

Norte Energia, not so much.

Stop Belo Monte | We ended an emotional day feeling positive and coming to the conclusion that the Gods of the Xingu are on our side. This fight is long and we are faced with many challenges, but our hearts remain full of love for the Xingu and its people.

The 11th Round Oil Auction in Ecuador: A Tough Sell

Analytica Investments Weekly Report | The government and indigenous organizations led by Amazon confederation CONFENIAE continue at loggerheads over the southeast, with the latter bent on derailing the oil round.

Brazil's Kayapó Reject Amazon Dams, Refuse Millions

Indigenous leaders refuse government payoff, call for justice in Belo Monte case

Altamira, Brazil – Leaders of 26 Kayapó indigenous communities unanimously rejected the government funding, deeming it "dirty money" intended to placate indigenous resistance to Brazil's plans to dam the Xingu River while sowing disunity among their communities.

Chevron Battles Activist Shareholders

San Francisco Chronicle | "I've never had a case of a company playing such hardball tactics against its own shareholders this way," said Simon Billenness. "The feeling among institutional shareholders is we really have to draw a line in the sand here, because we can't have companies using these tactics against shareholders in the future."

Voices of the Xingu: Interview with Karoline Militão

Stop Belo Monte | Karol and her family had built a life on what has now become the Pimental Worksite of the Belo Monte Dam. They were expelled from their land and as Karol and her sister say, "they never received even a kilo of salt in compensation."

Uncontacted Group Kills Two Natives in Ecuador

Reprisals, "forced contact" campaign feared after attack in Yasuní National Park

ScottWallace.com | The victims had sustained previous encounters with the elusive Taromenane, who reportedly conveyed their growing irritation over an influx of outsiders and increased industrial activity in the zone.

Mounting Pressures on Yasuní Lead to Violent Attack in the Amazon

Quito, Ecuador – Amazon Watch reports that based on a statement from the Waorani Nationality Organization of Orellena Province on March 6 two Waorani adults were attacked and killed by members of the Taromenane, one of two Waorani clans that continue to live in voluntary isolation.

Human Trafficking and Prostitution Scandal Threatens Belo Monte Dam

Dam-building consortium questioned around project and sex slavery link in Brazil

Altamira, Brazil – Brazil's Parliamentary Commission of Human Trafficking announced yesterday that it will summon the president of the Belo Monte dam-building consortium to explain its relationship to a nightclub, located within the dam's work camp, where 18 young women and an adolescent girl were held hostage and forced to prostitute...

XI Round Campaign Launches in Ecuador

La Amazonia que nos Queda

So much attention has focused on the protection of Yasuní National Park, and yet meanwhile an area of unspoiled and highly biodiverse rainforest many times larger is greatly threatened by the XI Oil Round.

Chevron's Kangaroo Court: Citizens United on Steroids

President Correa is no stranger to hyperbole, but in this he is right on the mark: "It's the end of sovereignty, the end of our independence; we have become colonies with these rulings from international courts."

To Paris: Don't Let Ecuador Sell You the Amazon!

As Ecuadorian ministers met with European oil executives and investors, French activists took to the streets to call attention to the disaster oil drilling represents for the forest and seven threatened indigenous communities.

How Beijing Is Shaping the Future of the Amazon

China has now replaced the US and Europe as Brazil’s main trading partner. a position which gives it significant influence over what happens in the Amazon forest – and over attempts to protect it.

Climate News Network | Sao Paulo, Brazil – The Amazon basin is now China's No.1 supplier of natural resources, replacing its Asian neighbours as their resources have become depleted. In a relatively short time, China has become Brazil's major trading partner, overtaking the US and Europe.

Ecuador/Chevron Dispute Enters a New Chapter: Correa Calls for Latam Support

MercoPress | President Rafael Correa said he expects the regional groupings Alba and Unasur to meet urgently and address the "legal aberration" committed by a UN trade law arbitrage tribunal against Ecuador in a case involving US multinational Chevron and decades of environmental damages.

Consortium Building Dam in Brazil Investigated

Associated Press | Sao Paulo, Brazil – Federal prosecutors are investigating allegations that the consortium building a huge dam in the heart of the Amazon rain forest spied on an environmental activist group opposed to the dam.

Worker Admits to Spying on Social Movement in Belo Monte Dam Case

Belo Monte dam worker infiltrated organization to inform Brazilian intelligence

Altamira, Brazil – Members of the Brazilian Xingu Alive Forever Movement have discovered an informant claiming to be an activist who was caught spying on their annual strategic planning meeting with a pen-shaped video camera. Upon being exposed, the suspect immediately confessed in a video statement that the Belo Monte Construction...

Activists Confront Ecuadorian Government for Auctioning the Amazon

Dozens of protestors publicly denounce government in Paris over oil concessions

Paris, France – Dozens of activists protested against the Ecuadorian government during its XI Round oil concession promotional activities in Paris today, where officials met with European investors and oil company executives seeking to auction off an enormous swath of pristine Amazon rainforest.

Reject Keystone XL

Attend the Forward on Climate rally this Sunday or participate online

The Cleanest Line | On February 17, 2013, this coming Sunday, our friends at Sierra Club and 350.org along with more than 120 partner organizations are planning what could be the largest climate rally in U.S. history. Here's how you can get involved.