The Gods of the Xingu Are on Our Side! | Amazon Watch
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The Gods of the Xingu Are on Our Side!

Norte Energia, not so much.

March 14, 2013 | Maíra Irigaray | Eye on the Amazon

Notes from the Amazon Watch Brazil field team, currently in Altamira.
Follow their journey directly here.

Justice Now!

Join the worldwide chorus calling for justice by urging Brazil’s Supreme Court to rule on lawsuits against the Belo Monte Dam!


Celebrating International Day Against Dams kicked off at 6 am today in Altamira, Brazil, gathering our signs and gear for a protest at the Belo Monte Dam’s Transpositional System. This system was put into place to help boats cross the river once the dam closes it, sadly symbolic. For Norte Energia to obtain its loan from BNDES it had to prove that this system was operational; apparently they did since they obtained the loan. However, the system is not working and the river has become treacherous to cross since it is nearly closed and because it is high due to the rainy season. The system stands tall as a sacrificial monument to this monstrous project. In truth they are using a John Deer tractor with a trailer to move boats from one side to the other. The small wooden boats are very delicate and this system is very hard on them. Local people feel humiliated having to constantly interact with the company, waiting for their boats to cross, and in some cases being filmed by the company. It seems that they do not have much of a choice since the mighty river is very dangerous to cross.

Just before leaving the office, Antonia Melo, the coordinator of the Movement Xingu Vivo, was visited by two Justice officials bearing a restraining order prohibiting her to step anywhere near any of the construction sites or offices of CCBM and NESA. It stated that the penalty would be a fine of $25,000 and/or arrest. This is not the first time this has happened. Antonia is a primary concern to the company, “the spy” we uncovered last month stated clearly that “Antonia was their target.” Although she was enraged by this gesture, mostly because of all the pending cases waiting for justice and the Judge clearly expedited this order for the company. In spite of the order she attended the protest, stating that this would not stop her from fighting for social and environmental justice.

We were around 60 people, a diverse group who united our voices pleading for justice, “Stop Belo Monte! We want Justice Now!” During the protest participants signed a complaint that was delivered today to authorities explaining why the current system isn’t safe, asking for an immediate inspection of the system and to apply the necessary measures to protect their safety.

Many people feel their lives are at risk, Leonardo Baptista an indigenous fisherman stated, “We feel we are imprisoned now. We no longer have our freedom. Before we fished freely in this area, now we can’t. The Transposition System is endangering our lives, our boats, and our catch. Who will pay for our losses if our own government won’t even pay attention to our rights? The costs of these crimes will be on our shoulders. We feel massacred, isolated, and disrespected as human beings.”

We ended an emotional day feeling positive, collectively coming to the conclusion that the Gods of the Xingu are on our side! I am currently here during the rainy season and over the past two weeks we have gone to visit the construction sites twice, both times it had looked as if it was ready to pour at any moment. In each case the rain waited patiently for us to return to the city then preceded to dump rain the second we got back. This fight is long and we are faced with many challenges, but our hearts remain full of love for the Xingu and its people.

“You can cement everything, but you can never cement our hearts. In our heart this river is always going to be free!”
Analaide Barbosa


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