ARTiculate™ 3°S/52°W: Belo Monte Expedition | Amazon Watch
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ARTiculate™ 3°S/52°W: Belo Monte Expedition

November 7, 2011 | For Immediate Release


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London, UK – MYOO™, the team that brought you the Plastiki, are setting out on a new expedition, this time with a unique adventure from the ARTiculate ™ series, which combines art, ecology and adventure to give nature a voice.

MYOO founder and adventurer, David de Rothschild and a group of passionate adventurers and curious storytellers will travel into the heart of the Amazon rainforest to discover the impact of the proposed Belo Monte dam project.

After visiting Ecuador during the Toxico expedition, the second adventure in the ARTiculate™ series will launch today and will see the team undertake an expedition to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the Belo Monte dam project. The Belo Monte dam is a controversial project that will divert the Xingu River in Brazil’s Northern Para region and become the world’s third largest dam. The controversy centres on acute concerns for the displacement of many thousands of people, the destruction of indigenous habitats, loss of unique biodiversity, methane emissions and an acknowledged inefficiency of the dam itself.

MYOO™ will work alongside Amazon Watch to raise awareness of this pressing issue; trying to find a solution for the government and indigenous tribes people alike that wont further compromise the incredible natural lifecycle that is the Amazon rainforest.

MYOO’s™ focus will be on “what is lost?” and will see the team ask this question by visiting and engaging with the local communities that reside within the Amazon rainforest, discovering the real impact of the Belo Monte project through the eyes of their children. MYOO™ will create a library of visually striking content narrating the most precious natural resources from Brazil’s national heritage, hoping to engage and inspire action on an international scale.

Our mission is simple – to give nature a voice!

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