2010 | Amazon Watch - Page 3
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All: 2010

Brazil Dam Project Prompts Animated Response from Director Cameron

CNN | Movie director, James Cameron has teamed up with environmental campaigners in an effort to help Brazilian tribes' epic fight against the construction of a controversial dam in northern Brazil. "Defending the Rivers of the Amazon" is a 10-minute interactive presentation created jointly by Amazon Watch and International Rivers.

Defending the Rivers of the Amazon, with Sigourney Weaver

10-minute Tour in 3-D Highlights the Dam's Harmful Impacts on Xingu River and Greener Alternatives

Amazon Watch and International Rivers | Sigourney Weaver Narrates New Google Earth Animation on Brazil's Controversial Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon Rainforest.

Sigourney Weaver Narrates New Google Earth Animation on Belo Monte Dam

10-minute Tour in 3-D Highlights the Dam's Harmful Impacts on Xingu River and Greener Alternatives

Amazon Watch and International Rivers have teamed up to create a state-of-the-art 10-minute Google Earth 3-D tour and video narrated by actress Sigourney Weaver in support of Brazil's Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre. The video and tour allow viewers to learn about the harmful impacts of, and alternatives to the massive Belo Monte Dam Complex on...

Defending the Rivers of the Amazon

Today, Amazon Watch and International Rivers are releasing a new Google Earth tour and YouTube video called "Defending the Rivers of the Amazon," narrated by Sigourney Weaver, to draw attention to the impacts of the proposed Belo Monte Dam Complex on the people and ecology of the Xingu River.If built, Belo Monte would

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


A Big Push to Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam

It's a big day for Amazon Watch and our Brazil campaign team. We're involved in a major push to highlight the struggle against the Belo Monte Monster Dam in the Brazilian Amazon.

A Message From Pandora Trailer

"A Message from Pandora" is a special feature produced by James Cameron about the battle to stop the Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu, one of the great tributaries of the Amazon River.

James Cameron and Avatar Cast Shine Spotlight on Real Battles to Defend "Pandoras on Earth"

"A Message From Pandora" Tells the Story of the Battle to Stop the Belo Monte Dam in Brazil's Amazon Rainforest Watch a 3-minute Trailer on Avatar's Movie website or on www.messagefrompandora.org

Timed with the re-release of Avatar in theatres today, highly acclaimed director James Cameron has teamed up with Amazon Watch to produce a short feature "A Message from Pandora." The documentary spotlights the battle to stop the massive Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River in the Brazilian Amazon, which thousands of lo

Chevron fights potentially historic damages case

Reuters | LAGO AGRIO, Ecuador - A run-down court building that also houses the local casino in this Amazon jungle town is the unlikely venue for the largest environmental damages lawsuit ever tried.On the first floor, people play for pennies in The Mirage bingo and slot machine parlor.

A Photo Essay of Achuar Life and Resistance to Oil Drilling

Amazon Watch's Corporate Campaigns Director Mitch Anderson recently traveled deep into the heart of the territory of the Achuar people in Peru, and he has posted a moving photo essay about his recent visit.

Chevron CEO Watson Embroiled in Spy Scandal to Undermine $27 Billion Ecuador Trial

Kroll's Sam Anson Identified As Chevron Undercover Operative Running Illicit Program

Chevron CEO John Watson is again on the hot seat after the company's growing spy scandal in Ecuador was highlighted on a nationally-syndicated news program only weeks after he ordered that five shareholders arrested at the company's annual meeting for challenging him over the company's Ecuador contamination.Watson, who

Journalist Exposes How Chevron Tried to Recruit Her as a Spy

Today, Democracy Now! covered Chevron's attempt to hire a journalist to turn corporate spy to undermine the rule of law in Ecuador. Mary Cuddehe, the journalist who turned down the offer and exposed the effort in The Atlantic magazine, appears, along with Han Shan, Coordinator of Amazon Watch's Clean Up Ecuador Campaign.

Environmental Impact Studies on Dams Count for Little in Amazon

Inter-Press Service (IPS) | ALTAMIRA, Brazil, Aug 10, 2010 (IPS) - "It's a fait accompli," acknowledges André Villas-Boas, head of the independent SocioEnvironmental Institute (ISA), resigned to the fact that the legal actions and protests have failed to block the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam in Brazil's Amazon jungle region.

Historic Indigenous Summit Calls for Halting Brazil's Belo Monte Dam

Hundreds Converge on the Xingu River in Altamira to Highlight Threats from Mega-infrastructure Projects in the Amazon

Altamira, Brazil – Hundreds of indigenous leaders from throughout the Brazilian Amazon Basin joined local riverbank dwellers and dam-affected people this week for the historic Terra Livre Regional Encampment.

Indigenous and Social Leaders Gather in Defense of the Xingu River, August 9-12

Participants Affirm "The fight is not only against Belo Monte!"

Altamira, Brazil – At the second day of the gathering "In Defense of the Xingu: Against Belo Monte!", impassioned, steadfast speeches were given amidst colorful feather head dresses, and painted bodies and faces.

Ecuador Court Invites Final Submissions on Damages in Chevron Environmental Lawsuit

Chevron's Hypocrisy On Display As Oil Giant Tries to Block Relief It Had Previously Requested

In what should be viewed as a gain for Chevron, the Ecuadorian judge overseeing the multi-billion dollar environmental lawsuit against the oil giant has ordered both parties to submit independent damages assessments within six weeks, lawyers for the Amazonian communities announced today.Chevron, however, is opposing th

South American Indigenous Protests Highlight Development Tensions

World Politics Review | With the entire western Amazon experiencing oil and mining booms, indigenous groups in the Amazon Basin and the Andes – already fighting encroachment by loggers and small-scale farmers, or else struggling to obtain title for their ancestral land – have now

Indigenous Encampment Planned on Xingu River

Hundreds to Converge in Altamira to Highlight Threats of Proposed Belo Monte Dam Members of the Press Invited to Attend

Altamira, Brazil - Hundreds of Brazilian indigenous leaders from the Amazon Basin will be joined by local riverbank dwellers and dam-affected people to participate in a regional meeting of the Terra Livre Encampment, in Altamira, Pará, from August 9-12.

Chevron Outed for Corporate Espionage Spy Scandal in Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest

Atlantic Magazine Exposes Offer to Journalist to Go Undercover to Sabotage $27 Billion Environmental Case

Lago Agrio, Ecuador – Chevron, long accused of engaging in an illegal dirty tricks campaign in Ecuador, tried to recruit an American journalist to take part in a corporate espionage spy ring in Ecuador's Amazon to undermine an expected multi-billion judgment against the oil giant in a high-profile environmental lawsuit, acc

Ecuador Signs Historic Yasuni-ITT Deal with UNDP To Keep Oil in the Soil and CO2 out of the Atmosphere

Praise for Pioneering Proposal is Mixed with Concerns by Indigenous Groups Over New Drilling Planned in Southern Ecuador's Pristine Rainforests

Quito, Ecuador – Ecuador plans to sign an agreement today with the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) that will open an international trust fund to receive donations supporting the government's proposal to keep some 900 million barrels of oil in the ground.

Slack Oversight of Peru's Amazon Rainforest

Interpress Service | LIMA, Jul 27, 2010 (IPS) - Fifty-three percent of Peru is covered with native rainforest, but the agencies in charge of protecting and monitoring this vast area are toothless and have neither the staff nor the resources to cope with the job, according to a report from the Defensoría del Pueblo (Ombudsperson's Office).