2010 | Amazon Watch - Page 9
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All: 2010

Ecuador Minister Resigns Over Amazon Oil Project

AP | QUITO, Ecuador (AP) – Ecuador's foreign minister resigned Tuesday after President Rafael Correa criticized his handling of negotiations to prevent oil drilling in a pristine Amazon reserve.Fander Falconi was the third government official to resign over a plan to seek international donations of $3 billion over the nex

Se resquebraja el proyecto Yasuní

BBC | Quito–El proyecto Yasuní-ITT, que busca dejar petróleo bajo tierra en la Amazonia ecuatoriana a cambio de un aporte económico de la comunidad internacional, se resquebraja.

Perupetro to start promoting new E&P round in February - Peru

Business News Americas | Peru's state hydrocarbons promotion agency Perupetro will next month kick off a road show to promote a new E&P round, according to agency head Daniel Saba.The agency will participate in the NAPE Expo in Houston in February and Latin Oil Week in Rio de Janeiro in March, state news agency Andina quoted Saba as sayi

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Battle for the Xingu

Iara Lee / Cultures of Resistance | Imagine if Hurricane Katrina was not a hurricane at all, but an event sponsored by the federal government, in collaboration with several multinational corporations. If your imagination fails you, then perhaps you'll get a clearer picture by learning about the people of the Xingu River.