Peruvian Indigenous Leader Alberto Pizango Unjustly Arrested Upon His Return from Exile | Amazon Watch
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Peruvian Indigenous Leader Alberto Pizango Unjustly Arrested Upon His Return from Exile

May 26, 2010 | Video

Segundo Alberto Pizango Chota, president of the Peruvian national indigenous federation AIDESEP, has been arrested immediately upon his return to Lima today (May 26, 2010) after several months in exile in Nicaragua. He is facing politically motivated charges in Peru which Peruvian human rights experts say have no legal foundation and should have been dismissed long ago. Gregor MacLennan, Peru Program Coordinator for Amazon Watch, accompanied Pizango and witnessed his detention by a large deployment of police and other officials, as shown in this video.
Peruvian indigenous and human rights organizations are already mobilizing to pressure the Peruvian government to dismiss all unsubstantiated charges and ensure that he receives a fair trial.


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