Five Villagers Potentially Poisoned by a Reported Camisea Incident | Amazon Watch
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Five Villagers Potentially Poisoned by a Reported Camisea Incident

September 10, 2007 | La República

Five villagers from the settler community of Túpac Amaru-Chocoriari, in the rainforest of the Cusco province of La Convención, could have been affected by an alleged gas leak from the Camisea project, as reported from the region.

According to the local Machigenga indigenous organization, those affected are inflicted by dizziness, nausea and headaches.

The [Machiguenga] organization is demanding that officials conduct an immediate visual inspection of the area, and that this is carried out in the presence of press for verification. They are also requesting information and training on the procedures used by technicians in charge of the project.

The request came as a signed document from the head of the Machiguenga organization, Walter Kategari.

According to the Transportadora de Gas del Perú (TgP), the problem was caused by a gas tank that feeds a valve, but there was no spill nor danger to locals.

The incident occurred in kilometer 12.100 of the Camisea pipeline.

[Translated from original in Spanish by Amazon Watch]


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