Voices of the Xingu | Amazon Watch
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Voices of the Xingu

August 7, 2013 | Eye on the Amazon

Justice Now!

Join the worldwide chorus calling for justice by urging Brazil’s Supreme Court to rule on lawsuits against the Belo Monte Dam!


Since late June protests across Brazil have not stopped. Over 3,000 people in the city of Altamira joined the demonstrations calling for Justice Now! and a halt to construction of the Belo Monte dam on the Xingu River. But their voices continue to be silenced and ignored by the Brazilian government and dam-builders Norte Energia.

It’s time that the voices of the Xingu are heard! Watch and share Voices of the Xingu today!

This past spring Amazon Watch spent months in the field near the dam site, meeting with allies in Altamira and digging deep into their struggle to defend the Xingu and their lives. We want to share their voices with you.

Voices of the Xingu depicts men, women, elders, workers, farmers, fishermen, students, activists and indigenous leaders united under a common dream: to stop the Belo Monte dam.

While construction on the dam continues, a recent report by IBAMA – Brazil’s Environmental Protection Agency – confirms what communities have been saying all along: Norte Energia has grossly neglected their legal responsibility to mitigate the project’s social and environmental impacts. The report not only threatens to halt construction of the project, but also shows clearly the level NESA and the Brazilian government are willing to go to build Belo Monte. This monster can still be stopped!

Show your support for the people of the Xingu, share their dream and join the chorus to stop the Belo Monte dam.

Xingu Vivo Para Sempre!


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