Thank You from Ecuador | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

From the Frontlines: Thank You from Ecuador

June 9, 2011 | Mitch Anderson | Eye on the Amazon

I am writing today from the Ecuadorian Amazon to share a video message from Servio Curipoma, a cacao farmer from the oil-ravaged town of San Carlos, who only two weeks ago stood face-to-face with Chevron senior management at the company’s annual shareholders meeting. Through bitter tears, he told his story: “My mother died from your cancer. You killed my mother.”

Now, back in his Amazon homeland, Servio sends a brief message to you, with deep gratitude for the kindness, generosity and support that the people of the United States and the world have shown to the communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

At Amazon Watch we are humbled by the grace, dignity and strength of the people of the Ecuadorian Amazon, who have been fighting for decades for what most of us take for granted every day: clean water and the health of our families.

Chevron, an American company, is responsible for the massive environmental and public health crisis that has been racking the Ecuadorian Amazon for the last four decades. It is our responsibility to hold Chevron accountable.

In the lead-up to Chevron’s shareholder meeting, we forged alliances with major Chevron investors who are demanding the company do the right thing, and helped bring the courageous voices of people like Servio to reporters, shareholders, lawmakers, and the public across the U.S. Now, we need your help to expand our efforts, and build pressure on Chevron to a tipping point.

From the remote Amazon rainforest, I am asking you to support Servio and the thousands of other men, women, and children of Ecuador, who deserve better from this world.

There is beauty in the world, and it is worth fighting for.

– Mitch


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Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.



Human Rights Over Corporate Profits in Ecuador!


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