Report | Amazon Watch - Page 9
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A Legacy of Harm

Occidental Petroleum in Indigenous Territory in the Peruvian Amazon

This report summarizes the impacts of Occidental's activities in the Corrientes River basin in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon and explains the legal grounds for civil demands due to their deliberate use of substandard technology.

Oil and Gas in the Peruvian Amazon - Fact Sheet

This fact sheet was prepared by Save America's Forests and by Peru's Derechos Ambiente y Recursos (DAR) Summary:Perupetro on February 2, 2007 will present studies of 10 blocks conducted by the agency as well as studies of eight blocks conducted by geological consulting firm Gustavson Associates.

Rainforest Catastrophe: Chevron's Fraud and Deceit In Ecuador

An Investigative Report by the Lago Agrio Legal Team of The Amazon Defense Coalition NOVEMBER 2006 Understanding how Chevron: • Violates its social responsibility and governance policies in Ecuador • Values Ecuadorian life at on

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.