Report | Amazon Watch - Page 12
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Estudio Ambiental y Social Independiente de Proyecto de Gas Camisea

Por: Patricia B. CaffreyPor encargo de las organizaciones indígenas del Perú: Consejo Machiguenga del Rio Urubamba (COMARU) y la Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)CONTENIDO 2RECONOCIMIENTOS 3I. RESUMEN EJECUTIVO 4II.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Civil Conflict and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia

After forty years of civil war, Colombia is sliding ever deeper into conflict. The recent collapse of the peace process has set a new wave of violence in motion. The brutal tactics of paramilitary groups, leftist guerrillas, security forces, and drug traffickers result in the violent deaths of almost 20 Colombians every day.

Civil Conflict and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia

After forty years of civil war, Colombia is sliding ever deeper into conflict. The recent collapse of the peace process has set a new wave of violence in motion. The brutal tactics of paramilitary groups, leftist guerrillas, security forces, and drug traffickers result in the violent deaths of almost 20 Colombians every day.

Analysis of Compliance Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados(OCP) Project and the World Bank Environmental Policies and Guidelines Prepared for Amazon Watch by: Patricia B. Caffrey

I. BACKGROUND:Purpose: The purpose of this analysis is to assess the level of compliance of the development process to date and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados Project (Project) to World Bank (WB) policies and guidelines on environmental assessment and natural habitats.

Amazon Watch Mega-Project Alert Fueling A Second Oil Boom in the Amazon

The Ecuadorian Government ’s plan to build the new oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP)has been repeatedly delayed for 10 years – -mostly due to the country ’s eco-nomic and political instability and the project ’s perceived risks.However,on June 7, 2001,amidst widespread controversy and protest,the Nobo

Amazon Watch Alerta de Mega-Proyectos El nuevo oleoducto de crudos pesados en Ecuador

Promoviendo un segundo auge petrolero en la AmazoniaEl plan del gobierno ecuatoriano para construir el nuevo Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP)ha sido postergado repetidas veces durante los últimos diez años principal-mente por la inestabilidad económica y política del país y los riesgos provenientes del proy