REDD | Amazon Watch - Page 2
Amazon Watch


Internationally-Renowned Environmental Leader Marina Silva Visits San Francisco

Trip agenda includes roundtable discussion with Bay Area environmental leaders, Bioneers presentations

San Francisco, CA – In a rare visit to the San Francisco Bay Area, 1996 Goldman Environmental Prize winner Marina Silva will introduce the Bay Area environmental community to her newly-launched center on sustainable development, Instituto Marina Silva, at a roundtable discussion hosted by the Goldman Prize and Amazon Watch.

Kari-Oca II Declaration: Indigenous Peoples at Rio+20 Reject the Green Economy and REDD

REDD Monitor | In 1992, while the first Rio Earth Summit took place, hundreds of indigenous peoples met and produced the Kari-Oca Declaration and the Indigenous Peoples Earth Charter. 20 years later, in parallel with Rio +20 meeting, more than five hundred indigenous peoples met and produced the Kari-Oca II Declaration.

"What the New Forest Code in Brazil Means for Deforestation"

An Amazon Watch "Green-Bag Lunch" presentation

While Brazil prepares to host the Rio +20 Earth Summit and present itself as a leading model for sustainable development, it is undertaking measures that will put the Amazon in jeopardy.

AIDESEP Visits Washington, DC

An Indigenous Organization's Fight for Community-Based Conservation

Roberto brings an analysis of why AIDESEP's community-based proposals will protect more forest (and reduce more carbon emissions), and Daysi speaks to the need for expanded indigenous land tenure as an integral part of any conservation effort.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Lesson from Durban

We are the climate changers we've been waiting for

Another global climate conference has come and gone, another heartbreaking missed opportunity for humanity to actually do something about impending climate chaos.

New Forest Code Will Condemn the Amazon Rainforest

Greenpeace Brazil | Last week senators in Brazil approved a text that condemns the Brazilian forests, a deal between government and agribusiness made in back rooms and secret meetings, and they rejected an amendment that calls for a ten-year moratorium on deforestation in the Amazon. This rejection revealed the true intentions behind the new Forest Code text and the...

Declaration of the Indigenous Peoples of the World at COP 17

Durban, South Africa – We, the Indigenous Peoples of the world, united in the face of the climate crisis and the lack of political will of the States, especially the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, demand the immediate adoption of legally binding agreements with shared but differentiated responsibilities, to halt global warming and to...

Fiddling While the Amazon Burns

Keeping the world's biggest forest standing depends on greens, Amerindians and enlightened farmers working together – if lawmakers let them

The Economist | Jaci-Paraná, Brazil – Drive out of Porto Velho, and you see the trouble the world's largest forest is in. Lorry after lorry trundles by laden with logs; charred tree-stumps show where ranchers burned what the loggers left behind; a few cattle roam sparsely through the scrubby fields. In places the acid subsoil shows through, sandy and bone...

Forest-Dependent Communities Lobby for End of REDD+

IPS | Durban, South Africa – Organizations working with indigenous peoples living in forests say the United Nations programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries is just another way for big corporates to reap huge profits.

Investor's Eye on the Amazon - February 2011

This is the first issue of our Investor's Eye on the Amazon quarterly newsletter, an initiative that seeks to provide institutional investors, industry analysts and researchers with an informative and sophisticated analysis of the most pressing issues facing the Amazon rainforest.

REDD Flags: Potential Problems with Investing in Forest Offsets

Why Investing in Forest Offsets Might Cause More Problems Than It Solves

Amazon Watch | Reducing the rates of rainforest deforestation is a goal universally shared by environmental groups like Amazon Watch. The devil, as always, is in the details, many of which have yet to be agreed upon or are being finalized without meaningful involvement of impacted stakeholders.

Reforming the Inter-American Development Bank

We have learned much from our work around the IDB and other banks and know that there is great potential to influence critical actors through North-South collaborations.

Yasuni-ITT: Oil Change or More of the Same?

The Ishpingo, Tambococha, Tiputini oil fields are Ecuador's largest. According to estimates, they could yield up to 900 million barrels of heavy crude. But in a cruel twist of geologic fate, they happen to lie beneath one of the most biodiverse places on the planet – Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon.