Inter-American Development Bank | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Inter-American Development Bank

Countdown to Deadline Glasgow for Our Rainforests and Climate!

Amazon Watch joins Stop the Money Pipeline’s demand to defund climate chaos

The global climate and ecological crises are more alarming than ever. The Amazon rainforest now emits more carbon than it absorbs due to rampant burning and deforestation. As people around the globe suffer through worsening climate catastrophes, financial institutions continue to fund the corporations perpetuating ecological destruction and human...

IDB Annual Meeting Marked by Lack of Progress in a Sustainable Development Agenda

Calgary, Canada – Civil society representatives from Latin America recently attended the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Annual Meeting along with Amazon Watch to monitor progress of a new reform agenda adopted by the Bank last year and on which the Bank’s recapitalization is conditioned.

¿Realmente Se Construye una Agenda Común entre el BID y la Sociedad Civil?

Otra oportunidad perdida para el Banco

Calgary, Canada – Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil presentes en la Reunión Anual del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) ven con gran preocupación el tratamiento de la participación de la sociedad civil en las actividades del banco.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Delegación Latinoamericana de la Sociedad Civil Llega a Reunión Anual del BID

Grupo pide resultados concretos sobre la estrategia de cambio climático y salvaguardas como condición para el aumento de capital 

Calgary, Canada – Una delegación latinoamericana de la sociedad civil llego a Calgary esta semana para la reunión anual del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Pronunciamiento del Grupo de Trabajo de Seguimiento al BID

Bajo la presión de la sociedad global de enfrentar el cambio climático, el BID ha declarado que también quiere convertirse en un "banco verde". Sin embargo, la cartera de energía del 2009 muestra un enorme aumento de préstamos a proyectos de energía no renovable con limitados beneficios para los pobres y con enormes impactos para las comunidades...

BID en la Mira (IDB Watch)

IDB Watch | A publication that exposes the failures of the Inter-American Bank.

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Bid for 200% Capital Increase in Jeopardy

IDB Board of Governors Urged to Address Civil Society Concerns During Upcoming March 2nd Meeting in Washington, DC

(Washington, DC) – As the Inter-American Development Bank's governors arrive for special meetings in Washington DC next week, the proposal to increase the Bank's callable capital by 200 percent appears to be in jeopardy, several non-governmental organizations said today."There appears to be no consensus between the B